Adriana-Mariana Bors, Alina-Ruxandra Caramitu, Dorian Marin, Iosif Lingvay
Materiale Plastice (Mater. Plast.), Year 2020, Volume 57, Issue 1, 122-132ISSN Print 0025-5289
ISSN Online 2668-8220 Through gravimetric determinations, volume resistivity, dielectric spectroscopy, and comparative thermal analysis (TG, DTA and DTG), the interactions between the distilled water and three different types of alkyd-epoxy-melamine, epoxy and polyurethane lacquers were studied. From the experimental determinations it was found that after 700 h of immersion in water at 20 ± 2°C the alkyd-epoxy-melamine based lacquer has a maximum water uptake, respectively 1.76%, followed by the epoxy lacquer 1.4% and polyurethane 0.93%. The thermal analysis sugests that because the water retained by the investigated polymers does not change the TG diagrams in the temperature range up to 150 °C, which suggests that the weight increase of the samples during the immersion could be due to some chemical processes between the water and polymer by which the chemistry structure of the polymer changes. Through electrical measurementes one can observe that after the immersion in water (over 700 hours), dielectric loss increases and the volume resistivity (measured in DC) of the investigated lakes decreases, which is explained by the increasing of polar groups (-OH) in the polymer structure. A comparative analysis of the experimental data reveals that in electrical applications the lacquer LS (polyurethane) is superior to the lacquers L-528 (alkyd-epoxy-melamine) and LG (epoxy), because it has no mass losses (structural changes) up to 280°C it has a volume resistivity of about 21 % higher than L-G, and about 300 % higher than L-528, and has water uptake and dielectric loss substantially lower comparing to L-528 and L-G. Read more
Iosif LINGVAY, Victorin Emilian TOADER, Ovidiu CIOGESCU, Adriana BORȘ, Andrei MIHAI
Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), 2021, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 92-101, ISSN 1582-5175. A complex system for zonal earthquake prediction, warning, and local assessment of seismic events has been designed, performed, implemented, and experimented/validated. The system was designed to ensure simultaneously: the reception of warning signals following earthquakes with the epicentre on a radius of 1000 km; acquisition of local precursor data for a possible prediction of seismic events with the epicentre in the perimeter of the targeted locality and/or improvement of the database in the field of Earth physics purchased and processed centrally at the national seismic dispatcher; acquisition of data on the intensity of local seismic movements, based on which, when a predetermined threshold considered dangerous is exceeded, a real-time action order is issued for the protection of high-risk equipment and installations in operation. The realized system is structured on the national seismic dispatcher DSN (with the role of seismic data acquisition from the territory) connected by a bidirectional communication system with a local dispatcher DL which is provided with a system for acquiring and storing local seismic data (vibration detector 3D and temperature transducer mounted in a 40 m deep drilled well, radon detector and associated parameters: temperature, pressure, and humidity of the air mounted at the mouth of the drilled well). The implemented system is able, through the specialized software implemented, to take over the warning signals received from the national seismic dispatcher, to process the locally acquired data, and after the local validation of the seismic event to issue real-time action command (when exceeding values of pre-established major risk threshold) of the protections of high-risk installations in operation in the targeted perimeter. The experimentation/validation of the system, of the interconnection networks, and of the specialized software of the implemented application was done both by continuously recording the local seismic parameters, verifying the communication between DSN and DL, and by taking two warnings regarding seismic events produced (on 30.10.2020 – Mw = 7, Greece and on 22.10.2020, at 20:22 hours, ML = 4 R, Vrancea, RO). By processing the data recorded during these events, the speeds of seismic waves in the respective directions were calculated. Thus, for the event of 30.10.2020 Greece, a speed of seismic waves of 7,418 km/second was determined and for the event from 22.10.2020 Vrancea, at 20:22 hours, it was calculated that the secondary waves are moving with 12,686 km/second and the surface seismic waves with 5,063 km/second. Following the analysis/comparison of acceleration intensities with the pre-set threshold level recorded locally for potentially dangerous events, it was found that these events were felt in Râmnicu Vâlcea at a level below the pre-set danger threshold and consequently, the specialized software of the application did not generate a control signal for actuating the protection of high-risk equipment in operation. Read moreCIOGESCU Ovidiu, TOADER Victorin, MIHAI Andrei, ȘCHIOPU Mihaela, BORȘ Adriana, LINGVAY Iosif
Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), 2020, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 86-93, ISSN 1582-5175. Seismic warning and prediction systems based on precursor data packets were analysed aiming to develop a system to prevent explosions and fires caused by uncontrolled gas leaks following the deterioration of gas networks produced as a result of major seismic movements. At the current stage of knowledge, the accurate prediction in time and intensity of earthquakes is not possible. The simple information about a major earthquake, it is not a sufficient argument for shutting down gases over a large area. Closure of gases in buildings should only be done in the case of some tectonic movements that, on a local level (in that locality) exceed a certain pre-imposed threshold (considered dangerous). In this context, it is considered that an adequate seismic protection system for gas networks in a given locality must ensure: measuring /validating the intensity of local tectonic movements — preferably in 3D; generating a control signal for the closure of gases at the connections of buildings connected to the system — only if the intensity of seismic movements in the locality exceeds an imposed level (considered dangerous); secure digital communication with autonomous UPS power supply between the place of measurement /evaluation of the intensity of local seismic movements and the execution aquatics (electrovalves mounted before the gas regulation /measurement block of the protected buildings). Read moreCIOBOATĂ D., NEACȘU M.G., STANCIU D., MATEI S.Șt., NEACȘU I.
Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), 2020, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 22-31, ISSN 1582-5175. This paper presents an approach to develop a brushless DC motor to assist an electric power steering. Optimal design for electric power steering system implies the adequate selection of topology, technology, sizes and control algorithm. This paper briefly describes the electric power steering system structure, the most used topologies of electric power steering and the advantages of using brushless DC motors for electric power steering assistance. An electric power steering architecture is proposed. The method of design the brushless DC motor for this electric power steering is presented. Design of the brushless DC motor was based on the analysis of the requirements of the EPS systems, analysis of the control methods, modelling and simulation in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Simulation for six various conditions are presented and analysed for optimal sizing of the electric motor. An experimental model of the designed motor has been manufactured for validation. Read moreLucian Nicolae Demeter, Radu Calistru, Bogdan Vărăticeanu, Paul Minciunescu, Paula Angheliţă
2020 Proceedings in Manufacturing Systems, Volume 15, Issue 3, Pages 113-119 The main objective of CM4SMART project was to perform research, development, simulation and production implementation of a smart manufacturing maintenance solution based on cloud technologies. The result of the project will enable digital transformation of the production in the direction of smart maintenance and new data driven production efficiency models for the SME sector. Following the key Industry 4.0 design principles, the project has succeeded to interconnect business level software systems with operational data from the field thus aligning production schedules with maintenance activities. Innovative machine learning algorithms for predictive maintenance analyses data and propose both preventive and optimization actions before machine failures take place thus aiming at zero downtime, zero defected manufacturing and a greener enterprise. Read moreConstantin Nicolescu, Bogdan Vărăticeanu, Adrian Stoicescu, Cristian Nechifor
Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica, Volume 68, Issue 3 The paper puts in perspective the aspects of classic valve construction and the use of off-the-shelf products in order to improve the valve’s features in terms of user interface, valve status in operating conditions and control interface to classic standardized communication protocols, such as EtherCAT®, ProfiBUS®. Because the resulting products are meant to be functional prototypes, most parts used for implementing new features will not be fully developed as for a sellable product, but only to the stage of proof-of-concept. To fully develop the used equipment will imply a dedicated study, which would allow the shift from general purpose use development boards and breakout sensor boards to application-specific equipment designed for assembly line manufacturing. The same study includes the use of Internet-of-Things in industrial environment and will be the subject of separate and dedicated article. The paper only mentions the possibility and ways of achieving future design ideas. Read moreAndrei DUMITRU, Bogdan VĂRĂTICEANU, Paul MINCIUNESCU
Electrotehnica, Electronica, Automatica (EEA), 2020, vol.69, no. 1 Brushless servomotors are widely used in industry and in all domains that require precise and easy position/speed/torque control. To further improve the performance of these motors, the segmentation of the stator core is taken into account. This approach to core construction provides a high slot fill factor, compact design and efficient use of materials. This paper aims to present that the manufacturing constraints and tolerances of this particular core construction can increase unwanted effects in brushless motors, like cogging torque, torque ripple and their influence regarding the back-EMF.Two models for a 12slots-10 pole configuration, one with segmented core and one with standard laminated core are compared and analyzed using the FEA (Finite Element Analysis) method. The influence of the additional air gaps that occur in such constructions is investigated to provide an overview for the design of segmented motors. Various lenghts for air gaps between the segments of the core are taken into consideration and non-uniform distribution of such gaps. The paper also provides further steps than must be taken in order to verify/validate the studied model’s inpact on motor design. Read moreNicolae-Florin Jurca, Razvan-Alexandru Inte, Dan-Cristian Popa, Bogdan Varaticeanu, Paul Minciunescu, Claudia Martis
IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification This paper presents the optimal design from the electromagnetic and structural point of view of a fault tolerant modular outer rotor synchronous reluctance machine, a not previously constructed topology. Two new topologies with the rotor in modular construction, one with each pole of the rotor can be considered as a separate module and a segmented one, where each rib of a module can be considered as independent, are compared with a classic structure. The electromagnetic analysis is carried out using FLUX 2D software. The main studied parameters are electromagnetic torque, torque ripple content, saliency ratio and power factor. In order to optimize the power factor of the machine, a co-simulation procedure is carried out for each structure, by employing a MATLAB and FLUX 2D coupling. Based on the obtained performances, the best topology is selected. Further, a mechanical analysis is performed to determine if the new proposed rotor meets the structural integrity at rated speed and to establish the maximum speed value that can be attained such that the structural failure of the rotor is prevented. A modular outer rotor synchronous reluctance machine is designed and built. Experimental results of testing the prototype are given to confirm the validity of the proposed machine. Read moreSebastian Ciceo; Fabien Chauvicourt; Bogdan Varaticeanu; Johan Gyselinck; Claudia Martis
2020 International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM) Electrical machine electromagnetic-caused noise and vibration represents an ever-increasing target for machine-designers. A novel late design-stage NVH optimization method using the full rotational velocity synthesized vibration-response map is proposed. This is assisted by a target-setting method for the most important force harmonics using a force sensitivity analysis. The procedure is applied on a PMASynRM used for light traction applications, where the rotor cross-section is modified by introducing notches and saliency. The results for different percentages of permitted decrease in average show that both resonances and individual frequency orders can be directly targeted and minimized. Read moreBogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Andrei Emanuel DUMITRU și Lucian Nicolae DEMETER
SME’20 – NEWS AND PERSPECTIVES IN THE FIELD OF ELECTRIC MACHINES, 16th EDITION The paper describes a synchronous electric machine with permanent earth magnets in Halbach configuration, with external rotor and stator with coils without magnetic iron yoke. This electric machine is designed for applications with special requirements in terms of parasitic torque of zero magnetic clamping, significantly reduced electromagnetic torque ripple, short axial length relative to the size of the outer diameter, high rotor inertia and high energy efficiency. The finite element method (FEM) is used to analyze the structure of the electric machine and to estimate its performance. Read moreEugeniu Alexandru STERE, Ionel POPA
EEA 2017 | vol. 65 | nr. 2 | art. 23 The paper presents some of the actions intented to attenuate the negative influences of anthropic activities. The paper remembers too, the most important actions regarding the global environment protection under the aegis of United Nations Organization and the disappointment offer the inefficiency of the sustainable development actions, who affected the environment, the main objective of the sustainable development. A recent hope was generated by the project of the greenhouse gases (GHG) reduction by the accord between 197 states of the world, at Paris Climate Change Conference, in 2015. The first countries of this accord were United States and China. There are revealed too, the destroyer natural phenomena, very dangerous for the future of mankind. Recent researches explain the major influence of the natural factors (terrestrial and cosmic) on the natural environment of Earth and finally of the mankind existence. Read moreBogdan ONOSE
EEA 2017 | vol. 65 | nr. 2 | art. 1 This paper presents a real case implementation of a proportional integral derivative controller (PID) into a building energy management system (BEMS). The case study building was done in the ICPE Office Building located in București, Romania. The goal of the implementation was to improve the indoor comfort level and maximize the energy efficiency of the heating system of the building. The algorithms developed are based on a series of chained PID control loops that manage the modularity of different heating system components. Also a parallel PID control loop was developed to further improve energy savings in the south area of the building. With the implementation of all PID’s control loop the heating system has an increased efficiency based on modulating the heating source from district heating system (DHS) and modulating the heating distribution into the building. The results show that energy efficiency is capable even with maintaining the indoor set point temperature and comfort level. Read MoreSimona Ioana VICAȘ, Livia BANDICI, Alin Cristian TEUȘDEA, Valer TURCIN, Dorin POPA, Gheorghe Emil BANDICI
CyTA – Journal of Food, Volumul 15, 2017 The aim of this work was to study the effect of pulsed electric field (PEF) treatment on the content of bioactive compounds (total phenols, total flavonoids, monomeric anthocyanin content), antioxidant capacity, color intensity (CI), and sensory quality of wines derived from three varieties of grapes (Muscat Ottonel, Pinot Noir, and Merlot). PEF treatment resulted in an increase in all bioactive compounds, and consequently, an increase in their antioxidant capacity, which was evaluated by different methods. Applying PEF treatment to red grapes resulted in obtaining wines with higher CI compared to the control sample. For a better interpretation of the results and a proper discrimination of the samples in terms of the variety of grapes and PEF treatment, multivariate analyses, such as the principal component analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and hierarchical cluster analysis, were applied. Read MoreEugeniu Alexandru STERE, Ionel POPA
EEA 2017 | vol. 65 | nr. 1 | art. 14 The paper presents some actions intended to attenuate the negative influences of anthropic activities. The paper remembers too, the most important actions regarding the global environment protection under the aegis of United Nations Organization and the disappointment offer the inefficiency of the sustainable development actions, who affected the environment, the main objective of the sustainable development. A recent hope was generated by the project of the greenhouse gases (GHG) reduction by the accord among 197 states of the world, at Paris Climate Change Conference, in 2015. The first countries of this accord were United States and China. Read MoreDan-Cristian POPA, Bogdan VĂRĂTICEANU, Daniel FODOREAN, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Claudia MARTIS
EEA 2016 | vol. 64 | nr. 3 | art. 1 This paper presents some aspects related to the performances of a high-speed induction motor used for the propulsion of an electric vehicle. For the construction of the rotor cage of a 20 kW machine operating at a rated speed of 26000 rpm, both aluminium and copper were used. A comparison among these structures both from the electromagnetic and mechanical point of view, based on an analytical, but mainly numerical analysis, was performed. The differences among these structures, underlining the advantages and shortcomings of the use of the two conductor materials, are discussed in detail in the paper. The performed numerical analysis validates the analytical choices from the electromagnetic point of view and shows the major differences between the two variants from the mechanical point of view. Read MoreȘtefan OPREA, Violeta Otilia POTOLINCĂ, Petronela GRĂDINARIU, Aurora JOGA, Bica ZORLESCU, Veronica OPREA
Proceedings of International Conference on Green Chemistry and Sustainable Engineering, Rome (Italy) Read MoreIoana IONICĂ, Mircea MODREANU, Alexandru MOREGA, Cristian BOBOC
Conferință și Expoziție Internațională în Energetică și Inginerie Electrică, EPE, Iași, 2016 This paper is concerned with three-dimensional modelling for a DC Limited Angle Torque Motor using the finite element method, in the design stage. The results of the three-dimensional model are compared with those of a commonly used, simplified, bi-dimensional model, and the advantages are outlined and discussed. The 3D numerical simulation results are then verified against the experimental model with the aim to validate the benefits and accuracy of using the FEM analysis in the design phase of the prototype fabrication. Read MoreIonel POPA, Ioana Maria NICOLA, Victoria CEARĂ, Cristian BOBOC, Cristiana Alexandra DANEȘ
EEA 2016 | vol. 64 | nr. 2 | art. 15 The nanoparticles had become, more and more, important for the humankind. The silver is known to be an useful metal for the human organism, it can be effective against a broad range of microorganisms. In this specific article, are presented – synthesis through different methods (physical, chemical and bio. Read MoreBogdan VĂRĂTICEANU, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Constantin NICOLESCU
Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. – Électrotechn. et Énerg., Vol. 61, 1, pp. 3–7, Bucharest Three types of high-performance permanent magnet (PM) machines have been designed and analyzed in order to determine the ideal candidate for high speed traction application. The surface PM machine, spoke PM machine and interior PM machine were compared in terms of performances and capabilities at high speed operation. Finite element analysis was used for accurate performances prediction. For the sake of accuracy, the amount and type of PM and the stator structure are maintained the same in the design process for all three machines. Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE, Ramona CHIRESCU, N. FIDEL
Revista SEEEF Universitatea „Valahia” Târgoviște This paper presents an analysis of how the constructal theory could be applied to construction in optimizing the mass and volume of electrical machines, taking as essential fluid flow of heat produced by the energy losses developed within them. Read MoreIoana IONICĂ, Mircea MODREANU, Alexandru MOREGA, Cristian BOBOC
Simpozionul de Mașini Electrice SME’16, 2016 In this paper we propose the presentation of three-dimensional numerical models and analysis of the results obtained for a DC limited-angle torque motor. The results of the three-dimensional modelling are compared with the results of a two-dimensional modelling. Accuracy tests were performed to validate the numerical results obtained, and a three-dimensional model was established, the results of which are compared to experimental results. Numerical modelling offers the possibility of evaluating different configurations of DC limited-angle torque motors. Read MoreBogdan-Alexandru ONOSE, Viorel URSU, Lucian Nicolae DEMETER
WEC CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE REGIONAL ENERGY FORUM – FOREN 2016, 12-16 June 2016, Vox Maris Grand Resort, Costinesti, Romania This paper presents the objective of the Energy IN TIME (EiT) project of developing more advanced control method for existing non-residential buildings. This approach will be based on advanced building simulation models to reduce the energy consumption and energy bill. The project methodology will cover the most accurate and up to date international standards for energy efficiency. Read MoreM. NEACȘU, F. MARIUȚ, V.S. STANCIU, G.V. RÂȘNOVEANU
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 3 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Mircea MODREANU
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 1 In this paper, it is analysed the research project with title electro mechanic components for high-tech direct drive systems developed using flexible production lines. General data, objectives, capacity of realization are presented. The authors insist on the obtained results: one series of torque motor with sub-series- one series of torque motors with brushes and one series of limited angle torque motors, one series of direct drive rotary electric machines and one series of direct drive linear machines. The products proposed in the present project are built with flexible technological lines, which allow rapid execution with minimum costs of high-tech electric machines short series with different characteristics. Read MoreBogdan VĂRĂTICEANU, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Silviu MATEI
19th International Forum on Advanced Microsystems for Automotive Applications (AMAA 2015) A 7.5 kW Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Motor (PMASynRM) that works with ferrite magnets has been designed for a micro electric vehicle. Finite element analysis is used to evaluate machine performances and to study the demagnetization effect of ferrite PMs. An experimental validation of the PMASynRM characteristics is made. The measured values of the back electromotive force and torque are compared with the numerical predicted values. The PMASynRM electromagnetic losses are investigated in order to increase the motor efficiency. Read MoreBogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU, Paul MINCIUNESCU
Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn. – Électrotechn. et Énerg., 60, 1, p. 17–27, Bucharest, 2015 Read MoreIoana IONICĂ, Mircea MODREANU, Alexandru MOREGA
Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems, SIELMEN, Chișinău, 2015 The paper aims to analyse and develop numerical models for the DC Limited Angle Torque Motors of TQR-16/2-B type that are important in their construction. Measurements carried on an experimental model are used for validation of numerical model and compares well with the numerical simulation results. Read MoreAurora JOGA, Victoria CEARĂ, Bica ZORLESCU
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 7 Research works carried out were oriented synthesis in the laboratory of experimental models of vegetable polyols needed to achieve matrix bio-polymeric create bio-composites based on natural fibres, characterization and testing patterns obtained. Bio-composites were obtained from polyurethanes with high content of crude vegetable oils or modified, consolidation based support lignocellulose fibres, whose mechanical properties were improved. The main interest in studying these bio-composites is because fibres and polymer matrix derive from renewable resources. Read MoreLucian Nicolae DEMETER, Bogdan-Alexandru ONOSE, Viorel URSU
SWIC 2015 – International conference for solar and wind energy, October 1 – 3, 2015 at Icpe Solar Park in Bucureşti The paper presents a study on the performances of a PV off-grid mobile supply system designed for low-power applications. The solution can solve energy supply demand in remote application, rural application and can represent a solution for efficient irrigation. Read MoreSandor BARTHA, Lucian Nicolae DEMETER, Viorel URSU
SWIC 2015 – International conference for solar and wind energy, October 1 – 3, 2015 at Icpe Solar Park in Bucureşti The paper presents aspects of the hydrogen technology production using eletrolysis. Laboratory tests were done using an electrolyser connected to a photovoltaic energy conversion system. The worldwide growing energy consumption can be assured using renewable energy resources. CO2 emission reduction can be achieved by reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Based on statistical data and predictive models, solar energy is one of the most important renewable energy resources that has the potential to meet all energy needs in line with current trends. To generate 20 TW of power from the sun is necessary to cover an area of 816.000 km2 with PV modules. (Gratzel, M, 2011, Lewis 2006). The intermittent nature of solar energy can create difficulties for network operators, and converted energy should be stored in dedicated storage systems, which will ultimately increase the price of electricity. One way to solve these problems is to replace fossil fuels with hydrogen. The most important source for hydrogen is water, a convenient and abundant hydrogen resource. If the world energy consumption will be based on energy stored in hydrogen that can be assured from about 3.5 x1013 l water. This corresponds to 0.01 % of the annual rain fall or 0.000002% of the amount of water in world oceans. Read MoreFloarea VASILE
Conferința națională de constituire a Rețelei multiactor New SOLAR în cadrul proiectului POSDRU: Noi standarde ocupaționale pentru o economie orientată spre o dezvoltare durabilă și economisirea resurselor energetice – NEW S.O.L.A.R, București, 23-24 noiembrie 2015 Read MoreD. FODOREAN, D.C. POPA, Paul MINCIUNESCU, C. IRIMIA, L. SZABO
International Conference on Electrical Machines, ICEM, 2014 Read MoreD. Ionel POPA, Eugeniu Alexandru STERE, Sanda Liana COTESCU
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 1 | art. 14 The paper presents the preliminaries of the sustainable development, that began after the Second War World by the ecological actions and continued, after 1980, by a new type of development conception. Under the aegis of the United Nations, in 1987, the report ”Our Common Future” officialized the sustainable development concept, named the Brundtland concept too. The report was the ground for the first programmes regarding the sustainable development, presentede and recommended at the ”Earth Summit” from Rio de Janeiro in 1992. The anaysis of the above mentioned preliminaries cempletely explain the complexity of the development problems, and justify the necessity of a morale and spiritual reform of the whole humanity, beside a new social, political, economic, financial and military reforms. Read MoreBogdan VĂRĂTICEANU, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Stelian MARINESCU, Virgil RACICOVSCHI
8th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE), Bucharest, Romania, 2013 The paper describes a novel permanent magnets brushless machine with double-gap, two rotors and axially aligned stator poles. The stator coils are separated from each other to encourage airflow around the conductors for more effective cooling and to separate the phases. Finite element analysis is used to determine the electromotive force. The new configuration provides numerous advantages in comparison with classic construction: lower weight, lower permanent magnet weight, higher efficiency, better cooling, lower inertia. Read MoreIon BÂRSAN, Marius-Aurel COSTEA, Mihai MARICARU, Valer TURCIN, George-Marian VASILESCU
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 4 The electro-plasmolysis is a modern procedure used in order to extract useful liquids located in the cell membrane. The computation of the electric field necessary to breakdown the cell membrane requires the solution of an intricate electro-quasi-stationary electromagnetic field problem. Using commercial finite element software is particularly difficult because of the threads involved by adapting the discretization mesh to the membrane thickness, which is very small compared to the cell size. This paper proposes a qualitative analysis of the behaviour of the electric field in the cell. Read MoreMihăiță Gabriel NEACȘU, Felix MĂRUȚ, Viorel Șerban STANCIU, Gabriel RÂȘNOVEANU
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 3 Within the More Electric Aircraft (MEA) concept, the aerospace world has found the possibility to reduce or to replace traditional pneumatic and hydraulic systems with lighter and more reliable electric systems. Important changes are made to the electric generation and distribution system with a trend of leaving the constant frequency AC energy distribution in favour of variable frequency. The matrix converters (MC) represent a more efficient and reliable solution to replace the standard V-BBC (Voltage link Back to Back Converter); however the control required is more sophisticated. This paper presents an overview of modulation and control of MC and an important part of the paper is dedicated to the power converter design. Finally, a simulation using Matlab-Simulink environment and tests are presented on a laboratory prototype. Read MoreNicolae MOCIOI, Alexandru BUMBU
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 6 Equipping of land vehicles or boats with a fully electric drive leads to expansion of the main technical characteristics and versions. Whether propulsion is accomplished on water or land, a vehicle electrical composition will be power supply, electric propulsion system, energy flow management system, command, and control system. In this paper, we present a numerical model of a vehicle electrical characteristic using Excel, or Matlab environments. Read MoreVioleta TSAKIRIS, Elena ENESCU, Magdalena LUNGU, Mariana LUCACI, Alexandru RADULIAN, Dorinel TĂLPEANU, Gabriela SBÂRCEA, Alina CARAMITU, Virgil MARINESCU, Ion IOANA
9th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ADVANCED TOPICS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, May 7-9, 2015 Bucharest, Romania, DOI: 10.1109/ATEE.2015.7133851, ISSN: 2068-7966 Contact materials from W-Cu, W-Ag and WC-Ag systems obtained by spark plasma sintering technology to be used as electrical contacts for vacuum contactors were developed. The electrical contact materials have been obtained from homogenized powder composite mixtures of W-Cu (70-30, 60-40), W-Ag (70-30, 60-40), and WC-Ag (70-30, 60-40), by spark plasma sintering technology, in vacuum, under pressure of 50 MPa in the 900-1050 °C sintering temperature range, at a constant dwelling time of 5 minutes and a heating/cooling rate of 100°C/min. The physical, microstructural, electrical, mechanical and functional properties of the obtained electrical contact parts of 20 mm in diameter and 4÷5 mm in height were investigated in respect to chemical composition and sintering temperature. All the analyzed electrical contact materials have shown near fully dense and homogeneous microstructures with enhanced physical, mechanical, electrical and functional properties. Best performances have been obtained on the electrical contacts from WC-Ag with 40 wt. % Ag which had the lowest degree of porosity (4.77 %), the highest value of Vickers hardness (220±3 HV), the highest value of Young’s modulus (180±5 GPa), the lowest value of electrical resistivity (4.65 μΩ·cm) and the lowest value of the medium chopping current (0.59 A). Read MoreVioleta TSARKIRIS, Elena ENESCU, Alexandru RADULIAN, Mariana LUCACI, Magdalena LUNGU, Nicolae MOCIOI, Lucia LEONAT, Diana CÎRSTEA, Alina CARAMITU
International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering – ISFEE , June 30 – July 02, 2016, Bucharest, Romania, ©2016 IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/ISFEE.2016.7803212 Electrical contact materials WC-based to be used as electrical contacts for vacuum contactors were developed by spark plasma sintering process. The electrical contact materials were developed from homogenized powder composite mixtures of WC-Cu (60-40) and WC-Co-Cu (59.5-0.5-40), which were spark plasma sintered in vacuum, in the interval of temperatures of 1015-1045 °C, under 50 MPa pressure and a dwell time of 300 s, at a heating rate and a cooling rate of 100°C/min. The obtained electrical contact pieces of 20.5 mm in diameter and 3 mm in height were investigated from the physical, microstructural, electrical, mechanical and functional properties point of view. At optimal sintering temperatures (1035°C-1045°C) and the same dwell time (300 s), we have obtained electrical contact pieces with homogeneous microstructures and excellent physical and mechanical properties for both studied systems. We have obtained best performances on the electrical contacts from WC-Cu with 40 wt.% Cu which had low degree of porosity (5.16 %), high value of Vickers hardness (226±5 HV), high value of Young’s modulus (160±2 GPa) and the lowest values for electrical resistivity (4.35 μΩ×cm), chopped current (1.76 A) and standard deviation (0.37%). A small amount of sintering additive (0.5 wt%Co) to the WC-40wt% is helping to increase the densification degree and mechanical properties but decreases electrical properties and also, increases the functional parameters. Thus, in compare with the WC-40wt.%Cu electrical contacts, the chopped current for the WC-0.5wt.%Co-40wt.%Cu is increasing with 16%. Read MoreȘtefan OPREA, Petronela GRĂDINARIU, Aurora JOGA, Bica ZORLESCU, Veronica OPREA, Violeta Otilia POTOLINCĂ
Journal of Elastomers and Plastics This research shows the fungal degradation behavior of two series of composites: a series obtained with silver powder incorporated in sulfadiazine (SD)-based polyurethane urea and another series of composites that incorporates silver through polyurethane chain extension with silver SD. This article reports on the chemical structure variations characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and the mechanical properties of these polymers before and after fungal exposure. Although silver SD—used as a chain-extender—ensures a more orderly dispersion of the silver throughout the hard segment of the polyurethane urea main chain, the FTIR results showed some changes on the surface of these composite films. Both silver composites exhibited higher fungal biodegradation resistance. Read MoreEugeniu Alexandru STERE, Ionel POPA
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 13 During the last half a century, the environment became a global feature of the world. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which started more than forty years ago, after the continuous aggravated environmental issues as: ecological disasters, nuclear explosions and accidents, the use of very toxic substances, the ozone layer depletion, transboundary pollutions, etc. Under the aegis of the United Nations, the sustainable development programme (Agenda 21), which started twenty years later, made also a normal link between the development and environment. The sustainable development included the main factors of life and survival (peace and security, population control, eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, natural resources protection, protection of species and ecosystems, management of oceans and space, etc.). Read MoreIonel POPA, Eugeniu Alexandru STERE, Sanda Liana COTESCU
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 1 | art. 14 The paper presents the preliminaries of the sustainable development, that began after the Second War World by the ecological actions and continued, after 1980, by a new type of development conception. Under the aegis of the United Nations, in 1987, the report „Our Common Future” officialised the sustainable development concept, named the “Brundtland concept” too. The report was the ground for the first programs on the sustainable development, presented and recommended at the „Earth Summit” at Rio de Janeiro, in 1992. The analysis of the above mentioned preliminaries completely explain the complexity of the development problems, and justify the necessity of a moral and spiritual reform of the whole humanity, besides a new social, political, economic, financial and military reforms. Read MoreBogdan Onose, Cristian Boboc
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 2 | art. 11 This paper presents the Energy IN TIME (EIT) project that is aimed to develop a Smart Energy Simulation Based Control method to reduce the energy consumption and energy bill in the operational stage of existing non-residential buildings. The concept that lies behind the Energy IN TIME approach is the use of more accurate building simulation models able to represent buildings’ complexity and uncertainties for building control and operation while generating forecasted information. The project goes beyond existing building control techniques, mainly demand-response based, developing an integrated control & operation approach that will combine the state of the art modelling techniques and simulation software. Energy IN TIME integrated solution will be validated on a number of existing buildings where the service will be provided. These buildings will be in different Europe locations with different climates. Read MoreMihail-Iulian ANDREI, Mircea MODREANU, Mihai GUȚU, Liviu GHIȚULESCU, Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 3 | art. 1 The diversity of products fabricated by Icpe enforce us to increase the flexibility within the electric test division. Regardless of the motor stage, experimental model, prototype or series product, a flexible system for the measurement of on load torque is required. Due the fact that indirect methods do not take into account some special effects, a measurement system based on direct methods with torque transducer is recommended to be used. This paper presents such a computer aided measurement system for the caracterization of limited angle torque motors. Read MoreEugeniu Alexandru STERE, Ionel POPA
EEA 2014 | vol.62 | nr. 4 | art. 14 The paper describes the activities which preceded the „Earth Summit” held at Rio in 1992 and the documents analysed and voted by the leaders of the States and delegates. It was presented too the content of the sustainable development programme, named Agenda 21, Rio Declaration regarding the rights and the obligations of the States and the Declaration on the biological diversity (biodiversity). There were, finally, mentioned some interesting data which can stimulate the sustainable development achievement and also data which can delay this achievement. No wonder that every five years further was necessary to be organized other Summits and working teams or committees. Read MoreFloarea VASILE
EEA 2013 | vol. 61 | nr. 1 | art. 9 Recent years the world has been in continuous change. This has been caused by the economic crisis. Changes in the external environment of an organization can decisively influence its internal one. A parallel can be drawn between this type of interaction and The Second Principle of thermodynamics, which describes the balance between two environments influencing each other. If an organization’s external environment is out of balance, meaning that it has a higher level of entropy, the entropy of its internal environment will increase as well, However, the risk of external instability can become an advantage for an organization that has a working risk management system. A risk management system can control risk, thus transforming it into an asset. Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Eleonora TIPU
EEA 2013 | vol. 61 | nr. 2 | art. 7 The present paper deals with the studies performed by the specialists in ICPE who have made compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) with improved technical characteristics compared to the existing products. The electronic ballast was redesigned with specialized integrated circuits. There have been developed 16 types of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) with various powers from 32 W to 85 W by using five power schemes of the CFL’s based on five integrated circuits. In order to assess the CFL’s, which were made by ICPE there have been analyzed their main performances such as the maximum temperatures on the lamp and the plastic housing and the main technical characteristics: the power factor λ, the waveform THDI and the power consumption of the network. We mention that the obtained performances are superior to the similar products of the domestic and foreign markets. Read MoreMihai HANEK, Cornel JIVAN
EEA 2013 | vol. 61 | nr. 3 | art. 9 This paper presents a part of the energetic audit for a painting hall. The audit was done first for assessing the energetic demands of the air conditioning units used for conditioning the air in the painting hall and second for assessing the overall energy consumption. The painting hall is used for painting large sections of metal parts. There were analyzed the structure of the building, the conditioning units and the process of conditioning the air correlated with the technological process in order to propose modern energy efficiency solutions. The audit finished with an efficiency solution. It was mounted an automatic control system for the air conditioning units. Read MoreVioleta TSARKIRIS, Magdalena LUNGU, Elena ENESCU, Dan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Alexandru RADULIAN, Viorel BRAIC
VIth International Conference of Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials,Vol. 15, No. 9 – 10, September – October 2013, p. 1090 – 1094 W-Cu composite materials for electrical contacts to be used in low voltage vacuum contactors were synthesized by means of powder metallurgy (P/M) and infiltration technique. The compacting pressure and sintering temperature were selected in order to achieve the desired skeleton density. Direct infiltration on green compacts of W-Cu-(Ni) was made by using different elements such as Cu and Ag. The influence of chemical composition, nature of infiltrating element and processing parameters on microstructures, and electrical, mechanical and functional properties were emphasized. Read MoreAlexandru RADULIAN
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 1 | art. 10 The electromagnetic device with NdFeB permanent magnet is designed to replace traditional mechanical drive system of the VCB vacuum circuit breakers and DC circuit breakers. It has the following advantages: simple structure, small gauge, a high force in the closed position, high mechanical life and is easy to maintain. This paper presents the modeling, simulation and optimization of electromagnetic device using 2D finite element method. Read MorePaul PENCIOIU, Nicolae GOLOVANOV
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 2 | art. 8 Increase installed capacity of photovoltaic installations to values according a conventional power plant necessitate the conditions analysis of the photovoltaic power can work in the public network, without reducing the electricity quality supplied to users connected to the network, and without being affected by disturbances in the network. It is also necessary to know how these plants can participate in system services necessary for safe operation of power system. The paper analyzes the main disturbances that can result from the operation of a photovoltaic power plant in the public network, the conditions for such plants to coexist with the power system and some of the solutions that can be taken to provide specific operational indicators to the source energy power system. It specifies that, that, although they have a specific operating system, the photovoltaic plants connected to the network for more than 10 MW installed capacity, are subject to the same conditions as any power plant in the power system. Read MorePaula ANGHELIȚĂ, Viorel STANCIU
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 2 | art. 13 Climat changes and environment degradation are nowadays important problems that trigger important efforts of the worldwide research to to be focused on finding suitable solutions to solve these issues. Energy generation using renewable sources, represent modern and ecofriendly solutions that can contribute to overcome the pollution problem, with a wide range of practical applications. In this paper will be presented the main results obtained in the frame of the European Research Project RO0054/2009 (EEA Grant) entitled: “ Integrated micro CCHP-Stirling Engine based on renewable energy sources, for the isolated residential consumers from South-East region of Romania”. Read MoreGrigore DANCIU, Virgil RACICOVSCHI, Mihaela CHEFNEUX, Liviu Kreindler
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 4 | art. 1 The mobility needs of the modern society are in a continuous growth. On the other hands, people need comfort, and on the other hand clean, safe, and cheap transportation conditions. Following this idea, the authors produced a “bike-sharing” transportation system, based on light electric vehicles, such as bikes, mopeds, and scooters. The present paper presents this system and analyzes it from a practical point of view. Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Smaranda NIȚU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proceeding of the VI-th International Conference on “Fluctuations des Arcs”, 17-18 Martie 2003, pag. III-10-III-17, Clermont Ferrand, FRANCE Read MoreIonel POPA, Eugeniu Alexandru STERE, Sanda Liana COTESCU
EEA 2013 | vol.61 | nr. 4 | art. 10 Started twenty years ago, under the aegis of the United Nations, the sustainable development is not strong enough to replace the actual industrial development. However, it remains the single way for the future of humanity. Until now, in spite of programmes and multitude of actions, the real progresses in the field of sustainability are too small. More, the current worldwide situation continually worsens by the number and intensity of crises. Even the General Secretary of UN, recently recognized some of the severe crises of the present. Unfortunately, the sustainable development cannot be applied, without a moral and spiritual reform of the humanity. This paper analyses some of the obstacles in the way of new type of development, by its own features and the negative precedents continually accumulated during the world evolution. Read MoreNicolae GOLOVANOV, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Radu PORUMB, Elena ȚIPU
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 4 | art. 14 This paper reviews the possibility of using specialized integrated circuit IRS2168D to create an electronic ballast for high frequency supply of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL) with power range of 15•••105 W. The proposed scheme enables the improvement of main electric characteristics of lamps, such as electric current waveform, THDI factor, power factor, power imput and electromagnetic compatibility. A feasibility study was also developed, on the possibility of domestic manufacturing of such lamps, and placing them into a competitive market. Read MoreR. BOJOI, M. NEACȘU, A. TENCONI
International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (Speedam), June 2012 To improve aircraft efficiency, reliability and maintainability, the aerospace world has found in the progressive electrification of on-board services the way to reduce or to remove the presence of the hydraulic, mechanical and the bleed air/pneumatic systems. This concept is called the More Electric Aircraft (MEA), which involves the introduction of the electromechanical actuators and the electrohydraulic actuators. Also the entire electrical generation and distribution system is subject to radical revisiting, with a trend which is leaving the constant frequency AC energy distribution in favor of variable frequency or DC solutions. The literature reports survey papers regarding the electrical machines and their electromechanical design for the MEA but only a few papers presented a survey analysis of the power electronic converters employed for aircraft applications. The paper presents a review of power electronics converters topologies which can be used in more electric aircraft, with a particular focus on multi-phase drive systems. Read MoreR. Mihai MARICARU, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Ioan R.CIRIC, Marian VASILESCU
Revue roumaine des sciences techniques Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique, 2011, issue 2 This paper presents a new method for solving the integral equation of magnetic vector potential on the surfaces of perfect conductor bodies. The definition of magnetic flux of ideal coils implies that these are perfect conductors, so the normal component of magnetic flux density on their surfaces is equal to zero, which is equivalent with enforcing a zero normal component of magnetic vector potential A and the circulations of A on any closed path on their boundaries, only those surrounding the holes being equal to magnetic fluxes. A and curl A are described by a linear combination of special vector functions associated with the surface nodes. The integral equation is projected on these functions, as well as on another set of specialized functions orthogonal on the first set. The small number of unknowns is a great advantage of the proposed method. Read MoreCornel JIVAN
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 2 | art. 5 Renewable energy sources are in development and generally promoted by all national energy politics based on European strategy of limiting emissions and promoting green energy. Modeling the effects of some independent green sources on the transport and distribution power grids underlines a new problem and generates new techniques of adjustment and management. After various modeling simulations during the study, the renewable sources can generate serious power grid falls and provoke even black-outs increasingly seen all over the world. The article puts up a real problem of management and control of the power transit optimized to increase the green energy produced. Read MoreMarius Aurel COSTEA, Bogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU, Constanţa BĂLAN
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 1 | art. 8 An efficient iterative method is proposed for the computation of the actuation time of electromagnets. The proposed method solves the nonlinear equation of mechanical evolution using a numerical integration procedure. For various feeding curents and by varying the total weight of the mobile armature of a DC fed electromagnet, the actuation time was determined. The magnetic field was calculated with a numerical method, with a finite element software, for a convenient set of positions of the mobile armature, taking into account the nonlinear nature of the ferromagnetic material. Read MoreSandor Bartha
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 2 | art. 12 This article describes the modeling and simulation of photovoltaic street lighting systems and a design concept of the power of LED lighting units proposed to use in areas with moderate solar potential. In finally is determined the contribution value of carbon dioxide emissions by replacing the traditional street lamps with LED lighting, solar lamps. Read MoreNicolae GOLOVANOV, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Aurelia IONESCU, Eleonora ȚIPU, Florin STOICA
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 2 | art. 17 The reduction of electricity losses in the household lighting are shown in this paper. There are studied the design types of lighting systems, the recommendations regarding the choice of light sources of lighting devices and means of control power consumption. As a result of surveys, it was shown that compact fluorescent lamps are one of the alternatives to the incandescent lamps that has begun to be taken out of production in accordance with EU Directives since 2009. Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 4 | art. 8 The electric car cumulates technical, economic and service innovation. The technical innovation refers at a lot of patents on electric energy power supply, traction electric motors and new structures of the mass distribution. Economic innovation refers at avoidance of the indisponibile or perishable fuel and raw materials. Services innovation, consisting in new methods of chipper exploitation, could represent a support for project. The paper propose a way to combine that three innovation solution to the common fezability. Read MoreSanda-Liana COTESCU, Adrian MEREANU, Magdalena BUNEA, Cornel PREDUȚ, Carmen POPESCU, Petru NOTHINGER, Laurenţiu DUMITRAN, Gabriel TĂNĂSESCU, Florin CIOLACU
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 1 | art. 4 Read MoreValer GIURGIU
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 2 | art. 5 Read MoreDan TEODOREANU, Ioan DRÂNGĂ, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Lorant Arpad KOTELEȘ, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Mihai CHERSIN, Daniel Emilian DOBRESCU, Sidonia CRĂCIUN, Iulian TURCU
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 2 | art. 6 Read MoreSmaranda NIȚU, Constantin NIȚU, Constantin MIHALACHE, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Dan PAVELESCU
Fifth Japanese-Mediterranean Workshop on Applied Electromagnetic Engineering for Magnetic, Superconducting and Nano-Materials, Larnaco, CIPRU Read MoreFloarea VASILE, Mircea COVRIG
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 1 | art. 7 Read MoreFlorin IONESCU, Constantin IVANOVICI, Mioara MAZILU, Ionel POPA, Mihai CHERSIN, Ioan DRANGA, Daniel Emilian DOBRESCU
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 1 | art. 5 The general artificial lighting system represents one of the important factors which determines the society development, the labour efficiency and the health level of people, through the conditions ensured over the period without natural lighting. A constant concern on the international level is the increase of the performances of the artificial light sources, which requires studies for both the increase of the present sources parameters and the new solutions for the artificial light generation. The LED lamps, contrary to the compact luminous ones, do not imply the use of any gas, and the technology develops rapidly enough so that one can state that today it represents the best compromise between the luminous emission level and the electrical energy saving. Read MoreMihai BĂDIC, Lia-Elena ACIU, Maria ȘTEFAN
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 1+2 | art. 5 Read MoreNikolić VASILE, Ion BÂRSAN, Alina PĂUN
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 1 | art. 13 Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Smaranda NIȚU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
9th International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, 7-9 July 2008 Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Viorel BRAIC, Florin GHERENDI, Mariana BRAIC, C. NIȚU, M. BĂLĂCEANU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Gabriela PAVELESCU, Smaranda NIȚU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
IV-th. International Symposyum on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering – ATEE 2004, 25-26 Noiembrie 2004, Bucharest, pag. 171-178, ROMANIA Read MoreVirgil RACICOVSCHI, Mihaela CHEFNEUX
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 3 | art. 2 The urban transportation raised specific problems and caused important political, social, and environmental harms (pollution, noise, stress) in all countries during last years. The authors’ paper is among the promoters of research activities for Romanian electric vehicles. Starting with the propulsion system (electric motor + driver), Icpe developed several prototypes of electric and hybrid vehicles, aiming to win the competition for a clean transportation in Romania and offering a solution for high performances and low price electric and hybrid vehicles, to the manufacturers. The paper also presents some of the most significant projects put into practice by the Icpe team. Read MoreLorant Arpad KOTELES, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Viorel MARINESCU, Ionescu FLORIN, Ioan DRINGA
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 3 | art. 11 Read MoreGabriela PAVELESCU, Viorel BRAIC, Dan Pavelescu, M. BRAIC, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, M. BĂLĂCEANU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proceeding of the XVII-th Europhysics Conference on Atomic & Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases – ESCAMPIG 2004, 1-5 Septembrie 2004, Constanța, ROMANIA Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Viorel BRAIC, Florin GHERENDI, Mariana BRAIC, Constantin NIȚU, Mihai BĂLĂCEANU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Gabriela PAVELESCU, Smaranda NIȚU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proc. of. International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum ISDEIV 2004, vol. 1, pag. 156-159, 2004 The present paper deals with the problem of the TMF interruption systems breaking capability concerning vacuum circuit breakers. The main goal is a better understanding of the physical phenomena taking place during the interruption process, for high currents, corresponding to short-circuit regime in the electrical networks. The arc appearance and its behaviour were explored with a dedicafed optical sqstem. An example of spatial and temporal distribution of the arc light intensity is presented. Specific peculiarities of the optical spectra recorded in the proximi@ of the short circuit current zero (C.Z.) moments are reported. Different current interruption situations are correlated with plasma spectral diagnosis. On this basis the authors try to define a set of plasma parameters which are critical in the studied interruption processes. Read MoreNicolae GOLOVANOV, Virgil RACICOVSCHI, Radu PORUMB, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Lorant Arpad KOTELES, Sidonia CRĂCIUN
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 4 | art. 4 Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Mihaela CHEFNEUX, Leonard MELCESCU, Mircea RĂDULESCU, Alecsandru SIMION, Ion VONCILĂ
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 3 | art. 10 Read MoreKocsis L., Schlemm U., Richter H., Mellmann J., Farkas I., Bartha S.
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 3 | art. 12 Read MoreSmaranda NIȚU, Constantin NIȚU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 2 | art. 1 Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Smaranda NIȚU, Gabriela PAVELESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proc. of the 15th International Conference on Plasma Physics and Applications – CPPA 2010, 1-4 July 2010 Electrical and optical investigations are focused on a vacuum circuit breaker study. The short-circuit regime in the low-voltage network is exactly reproduced by a specific test circuit. The analysis of the phenomena during the high-current evolution and on the current-zero zone is made for the purpose of increasing the breaking capability of this kind of equipment. The displacement speed of the arc column on the surface of the contact pieces in the case of the transverse magnetic field solution is correlated with the spatial and temporal plasma diagnostic. For post-arc current being an important element defining the quality of the short-circuit interruption process, specific measurements are also performed. For better understanding of the high-current interruption in vacuum, the experimentally studied phenomena are mathematically modeled. Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Gabriela PAVELESCU, Florin GHERENDI, Smaranda NIȚU, Viorel BRAIC, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Paula LUNGU
Proc. of. International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum ISDEIV 2006, vol. 1, pag. 216-219, 2006 Electrical and optical investigations are focused for a vacuum circuit breaker study. The short circuit regime in the low voltage network is exactly reproduced by a specific test circuit. The analysis of the phenomena during the high current evolution and for the current zero (c.z) zone are done in the aim of increasing the breaking capability of this kind of equipment. The displacement speed of the arc column on the surface of the contact pieces in the case of transverse magnetic field (TMF) solution is correlated with the spatial and temporal plasma diagnostic. The post-arc current being the main element defining the quality of the short circuit interruption process, specific measurements are also performed. In order to a better understanding of the high current interruption process in vacuum, the experimentally studied phenomena are mathematically modeled. Read MoreMihai BĂDIC, MAria ȘTEFAN
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 3 | art. 7 Read MoreGabriela PAVELESCU, Dan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Florin GHERENDI
The VI International Conference on the Balkan Physical Union, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 899, p. 703 Read MoreGabriela PAVELESCU, Dunpin HONG, Viorel BRAIC, Dan PAVELESCU, Claude FLEURIER, Mariana BRAIC, Florin GHERENDI, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Mihai BĂLĂCEANU
The VI International Conference on the Balkan Physical Union, AIP Conference XII-th International Conference on Plasma Physics Applications – CPPA 2003, 1-3 Septembrie 2003, Iasi, ROMANIA Read MoreȘtefan OPREA, Petronela GRĂDINARIU, Bica ZORLESCU, Veronica OPREA
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers, Portorož (Slovenia) 2004 Read MoreGabriela PAVELESCU, M. BRAIC, F. GHERENDI, V. BRAIC, Dan PAVELESCU, M. BĂLĂCEANU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proceedings of the XVth Int. Conf. on Gas Discharges and their Applications – GD2004, Septembrie 2004, Toulouse, FRANŢA Read MoreFloarea VASILE
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 4 | art. 8 Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Smaranda NIȚU
Proc. of the Conference “Cercetarea de excelenţă – premiză favorabilă pentru dezvoltarea spaţiului românesc de cercetare”, 27-29 July 2008 Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Smaranda NIȚU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proc. of. International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum ISDEIV 2002, pag. 67-70, 2004 Continuing the investigation of the post-arc (p.a.) current within low voltage switching process in vacuum, the high modulation frequency of the p.a. current was also taken into account. The constants fitted for the adopted mathematical simplified p.a. model were deduced from the experimental data, considering an equivalent scheme of the quenching chamber in vacuum formed from a capacitance and the electric discharge in a nonlinear environment. Read MoreMihaela CHEFNEUX, Viorel STANCIU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proc. of European Electric Vehicle Congress – EEVC 2011 – 26-28 October 2011 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Relu BALABAN, Corina MINCIUNESCU, Mihaela CHEFNEUX
Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering (ATEE), 2011 7th International Symposium , Issue Date: 12-14 May 2011 The paper presents the design and analyze of a permanent magnet brushless machine for a hybrid electric scooter. Different combinations of slots number, magnetic poles, and concentrated windings are tested based on the speed-cycle and power-cycle of the scooter. A machine prototype has been build. The experimental data are used to validate the simulation model. A method of increasing the torque density of outer rotor machine is proposed and tested. Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Aurelia IONESCU, Ionel POPA, Eleonora ȚIPU, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Cristian LUNGANU, Florin STOICA
Revista “Tehnică şi Tehnologie (T&T)”, 10, 4(58)/2011, pag.80-81, ISSN 1453-8423 Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Viorel IONESCU, Eleonora ȚIPU, Mihai CHERSIN
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 1 | art. 8 This material deals with the main requirements regarding the household lighting in the kitchen , bathroom , dining rooms, bedrooms, halls etc. One takes into account the main light sources which can be used in the household lighting , taking into consideration the growing of use of the incandescence lamps of 100 W beginning with 01Sept.2009, namely the tubular luminous lamp, compact luminous lamps and, more recently, modules of LEDs with great possibilities of increasing the lifetime of the sources from 1,000 (incandescence electric lamps) to 50,000 working hours (luminescent diodes-LED), as well as the electric energy saving by 30-60 % compared to the incandescence lamps. Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Aurelia IONESCU, Ionel POPA, Eleonora ȚIPU, Cristian LUNGANU, Florin STOICA
Revista “Tehnica Instalaţiilor”, XI, 7(92)/2011, pag.18-21, ISSN 1582-6244 Read MoreEugeniu Alexandru STERE, Ionel POPA
Simpozion „Impactul acquis-ului comunitar de mediu asupra tehnologiilor şi echipamentelor” – ACQUISTEM 2011, ICPE-Agigea, pag.12, ISBN 978-606-507-0608, editura ELECTRA, 28 – 29 iulie Read MoreDumitru PORUMB, Constantin IVANOVICI, Radu PORUMB, Ionel POPA, Nicolae GOLOVANOV
EEA 2011 | vol. 59 | nr. 3 | art. 6 The electric lighting is one of the electricity consumers for which light, energy, economic and aesthetic parameters must be assessed together. The reduction of lighting quality or reduction of total electricity consumption causes most often, costs more important because of indirect costs. The reduction of energy bill for lighting installations can be performed only by fully maintaining the imposed light parameters. Read MoreGheorghe ȚULUCA, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Florin PĂIȘ
Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice Icpe, Octombrie 2000, Bucureşti, ROMANIA Read MorePaula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proc of. International Workshop – Global and Regional Environmental Protection – GLOREP 2010, vol. 2, p.58-61, 26-28 November 2010 The paper presents the results of the Eureka’s project of an international consortium based on CIVAN Advanced Technologies, Technosoft International and ICPE. The goal of the project is to design, develop, realize and test a 2D laser system machine. The product has components a new laser based on small diode lasers, intelligent servo-drives and a robotized 2D table. The linear movement on two axes is realized by ironless, bilateral linear motors with permanent magnets. The research directions of the project, components, performances and applications of the robotized table are detailed. Read MoreFloarea VASILE, Nicolae VASILE
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 2 | art. 5 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Mihaela SCORȚESCU, Stelian MARINESCU
3rd International Symposium Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE), 2010 In the frame of the European Research Project RO 0054, there have been studied some aspects concerning the electric generator design. The electric generator, coupled to the Stirling engine, is the heart of the electric system of such kind of solutions for residential homes. In the paper is presented the analyze of possible solutions for the electric generator from different point of view — for example, rotative or linear- with the final target of choosing the optimum for an application. Also, there have been studied aspects regarding permanent magnet brushless generators, with conclusions for the project “Integrated micro CCHP-Stirling Engine based on renewable energy sources, for the isolated residential consumers from SouthEast region of Romania”. Read MoreLeonard MELCESCU, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Ciprian HAGIU, Ovidiu CRAIU, Ştefan GHEORGHE
Simpozionul de masini electrice SME’10, 7-8 Octombrie 2010 Read MoreIonel POPA, George Dan BIDULESCU
Revista “Lucrările ICPE”, vol.9, nr.1-2/2010, pag.125-134, ISSN 1224-094X Read MoreSmaranda NIȚU, Dan PAVELESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Magdalena LUNGU, Ștefania GAVRILIU
Proc. of the IEEE Conference EUROCON 2009, 18-23 May 2009 The fight for ecological solutions is lead in every technical field. Until 30 years ago, the challenge in the field of power switching apparatus was the interrupting currents and voltages increasing. Nowadays it is important to maintain the same technical performances but to use ecological constructive solutions. In low and medium voltage (up to 36 kV) the switching in vacuum is an ecological very good solution, but it raises technical and technological difficulties. For the low voltage contactors the replacement of the Ag-CdO contact material with Ag-SnO2 is the recommended ecological solution. The paper presents some of the authors’ results obtained in the construction of ecological low voltage interrupters and contactors. Read MoreFloarea VASILE, M. COVRIG, C. M. GHEORGHE, S. GAMATIOS, K. KIKIS
16th Romanian International Conference On Chemistry And Chemical Engineering, September 9 – 12, 2009, Sinaia Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Stelian MARINESCU, Relu BALABAN
Simpozionul de maşini electrice SME’09, Octombrie 2009 Read MoreCorneliu GORNIC, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Dan PRODAN
International Conference on Manufacturing Systems – ICMaS, Vol. 4, 2009, ISSN 1842-3183 Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Ion PĂUNA, Iulian TURCU, Aurelia MEGHEA, Rodica Elena CECLAN, Stergios GANATSIOS, Margarita Emilia GANATSIOU, Alina BĂDILĂ
International Symposium „The Environment and Industry” – SIMI 2009, INCD-ECOIND, Proceedings Symposium, pag.123-136, ISBN 978-606-507-039-4, editura ELECTRA, 28 – 30 octombrie 2009 Read MoreIrina MEGHEA, Mihaela MIHAI, Ionel POPA, Margarita Emilia GANATSIOU
International Symposium „The Environment and Industry” – SIMI 2009, INCD-ECOIND, Proceedings Symposium, pag.31-43, ISBN 978-606-507-039-4, editura ELECTRA, 28 – 30 octombrie 2009 Read MoreRodica Elena CECLAN, Mihai CECLAN, Aurelia MEGHEA, Diamantino LOPES, Paulo BAPTISTA, Patricia TERCEIRO, Ionel POPA
International Symposium „The Environment and Industry” – SIMI 2009, INCD-ECOIND, Proceedings Symposium, pag.7-16, ISBN 978-606-507-039-4, editura ELECTRA, 28 – 30 octombrie 2009 Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Mihai STOICA, Sidonia CRĂCIUN, Irina PETCU
Simpozionul „Impactul ACQUIS-ului comunitar de mediu asupra tehnologiilor şi echipamentelor”, ediţia a 6-a, 26-28 august 2009 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Florian LAZĂR, Gabriel RÂȘNOVEANU, Bogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 3 | art. 5 Read MoreFloarea VASILE
ICMAS 2010, Bucuresti, 16-18 sept.2010 Read MorePaula LUNGU, Elena ENESCU, Magdalena LUNGU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proc. of the XXIII-th. IEEE International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum – ISDEIV 2008,15 – 99 September 2008 The paper presents the experiments of elaboration copper-chromium electrical contacts, with 40-75 % copper content, manufactured by powder metallurgy techniques: infiltration with copper of a chromium frame and solid state sintering of chromium and copper powder mixture. The influence of technological parameters – powder granulometry, compacting pressure, sintering and infiltration temperature – on the physical (density, hardness) and microstructural characteristics of contacts are presented. The elaborated contacts were tested in order to determine their properties in the case of high currents interruption. Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Stelian MARINESCU, Corina MINCIUNESCU
Second International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering – ISEEE- 2008, Galați, Romania Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE
Masa Rorunda, de finalizare a proiectului 2 CEEX-06-8-66/2006, ICPE SA, București, 4 sept. 2008 Read MoreGheorghe GHIUR, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Vasile HORGA
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 1 | art. 19 Read MoreIonel POPA, George Dan BIDULESCU, Silvia Paula MARIN
International Conference on Ecological Materials and Technologies, ECOMAT 2008, September 25-26, 2008 Read MoreMihaela SCORȚESCU, Relu BALABAN, Loren TROCAN, Gabriel RÂȘNOVEANU, Mihaela CHEFNEUX
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 3 | art. 13 The authors of the paper present the first step done by ICPE – carrying out an electric scooter- the target of their research being an ecologic transportation system based on individual electric vehicles, supplied from photocells, adapted to the needs of a medium size community placed in a quite large area, where the metropolitan public transportation system is not available, such as the “Politehnica” campus. Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Smaranda NIȚU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proc. of the Conference “Cercetarea de excelenţă – premiză favorabilă pentru dezvoltarea spaţiului românesc de cercetare”, 24-26 October 2007 Read MoreFloarea VASILE, Nicolae VASILE
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 2 | art. 5 Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE
Forumul National pentru Cercetare si Inovare”, 20-21 martie 2007 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Radu CÂRNARU
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 3 | art. 5 Read MoreCarmen POPESCU, Ionel POPA, Cristina CRISTEA
The First International Conference on Waste Management and Green Energy Technologies, 19 aprilie 2007 Read MoreIonel POPA, George Dan BIDULESCU, Georgeta NAGHIU, Ion PĂUNA
Simpozion 55 de ani de activitate a Grupului ICPE în dezvoltarea sectorului electrotehnic, 20-21 septembrie 2005, CCIB – Bucureşti Read MoreIonel POPA, Angela LUPU, Victor PĂRĂUȘANU
Proceeding of the International Society for Optical Engineering – SPIE 2004, vol 5581, pag.767-774 Read MoreSanda COTESCU, Ionel POPA
Icpe, vol. I, decembrie 2003, Bucureşti Read MoreIleana MĂDESCU, Maria-Magdalena IORDĂCHESCU, Ionel POPA
Lucrările Icpe şi CD al Sesiunii de comunicări ştiinţtifice “Materiale şi componente electrotehnice“, Icpe, 11-12 septembrie 2000, Bucureşti Read MoreMircea ȚAPU, Ionel POPA
Icpe, vol. I, noiembrie 2004, Bucureşti Read MoreMaria-Magdalena IORDĂCHESCU, Ionel POPA
Lucrările Icpe şi CD al Sesiunii de comunicări ştiinţifice “Materiale şi componente electrotehnice“, Icpe,11-12 septembrie 2000, Bucureşti Read MoreMaria-Magdalena IORDĂCHESCU, leana MĂDESCU, Ionel POPA
12th Romanian International Conference Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, UPB, 13-15 september 2001, Bucharest Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Paul PENCIOIU, Sanda COTESCU, Ionel POPA, Carmen POPESCU
Simpozion “Impactul ACQUIS-lui comunitar privind mediul asupra tehnologiilor şi echipamentelor”, 19-20 august 2004, Agigea Read MoreNicolae GOLOVANOV, Radu PORUMB, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Ecaterina FRANSUA, Doru PATULEA, Vasile HORGA
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 3 | art. 8 Read MoreIoana IONICĂ, Mircea MODREANU, Alexandru MOREGA, Cristian BOBOC
The 10th International Symposium on Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering, ATEE 2017, Bucharest, Romania This paper presents three-dimensional numerical modeling results for a hybrid stepper motor obtained using the finite element method, in the design stage. The design of the hybrid stepper motor for achieving a specific performance requires adequate geometrical sizing. The study provides for optimal economic and technical solutions obtained through successive improvements made in the design phase, obtained through numerical modeling, and concurring to the requirements of the product specification. Read MoreAlexandru RADULIAN, Mihai MARICARU, Iosif Vasile NEMOIANU, Radu CREȚU
Rev. Roum. Sci. Techn.– Électrotechn. et Énerg. Vol. 62, 1, pp. 3–7, Bucharest, 2017 The paper presents the principle of a DC high-force compact actuator for operating vacuum circuit breakers. By using properly placed Ne-Fe-B permanent magnets, the actuator we propose has the following advantages: it is able to perform a large number of mechanical operation cycles (at least one million) with high frequency rate and high holding force in closed position. Through reducing air gaps and leakage fluxes and the introduction of permanent magnets in the magnetic circuit, the proposed technical solution ensures low power consumption, compactness, reliability and reduced manufacturing cost. Such a linear actuator proves to be versatile finding application in operating valves remotely, robotic systems, packaging machines, electric switchgears, medical equipment, production machinery etc. Least but not last, it may find application in transportation industry ranging from rail to aircraft equipment. The working principle of the actuator is presented, followed by preliminary calculations and finite element simulations (static and dynamic) in FEMM package, incorporating specially designed LUA scripts. Finally, measurements performed on an actuator prototype are presented and discussed. Read MoreFloarea VASILE
EEA 2017 | vol. 65 | nr. 1 | art. 3 After decades during which “quality” has been thought of as preventing “non-quality”, the new edition of the ISO 9001:2015 standard brings a new concept, defined as “risk-based thinking”. Risk is defined as the effect of uncertainty in relation to the expected results. When talking about risk, the 2015 edition of the ISO 9001 standard defines it in relation to uncertainty within the organization which is required to plan and implement actions to deal with risks and opportunities”. Is it recognized that “risk-based thinking” is a requirement to “reduce prescriptive requirements” and replace them with performance-based requirements. It is required that management at the highest level drives the planning activities for avoiding or mitigating the negative effects of risks, which means having a proactive and beneficial attitude for the organization. Read MoreEugeniu Alexandru STERE, Ionel POPA
EEA 2016 | vol. 64 | nr. 1 | art. 19 During the last half a century, the environment became a global feature of the world. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which started more than forty years ago, after the continuous aggravated environmental issues as: ecological disasters, nuclear explosions and accidents, the use of very toxic substances, the ozone layer depletion, transboundary pollutions, etc. Under the aegis of the United Nations, the sustainable development programme (Agenda 21), which started twenty years later, made also a normal link between the development and environment. The sustainable development included the main factors of life and survival (peace and security, population control, eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, natural resources protection, protection of species and ecosystems, management of oceans and space, etc.). Read MoreIoana IONICĂ, Mircea MODREANU, Alexandru MOREGA, Cristian BOBOC
EEA 2016 | vol. 64 | nr. 3 | art. 2 This paper is concerned with properly sizing all parts of a DC Limited Angle Torque Motor aiming to obtain higher electromagnetic torque and higher uniformity degree of the torque-angle characteristic for the operating range. The magnetic field analysis conducted using the finite element method allowed for successive improvements that led to satisfying the design requirements. The usage of numerical models requires less prototyping through experimental models, which result in shorter design cycle and reduced fabrication costs. Read MoreIonel POPA, Eugeniu Alexandru STERE
Sesiunea ştiinţifică de primăvară a Academiei Oamenilor de Ştiinţă din România “Cooperarea între mediul academic şi cel economic pentru o dezvoltare economică durabilă“, Bucureşti şi Mioveni, 26 – 28 mai, 2016 Read MoreȘtefan OPREA, Violeta Otilia POTOLINCĂ, Aurelian STANCIU, Bica ZORLESCU, Veronica OPREA
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers (MoDeSt 2016), Cracow (Poland) Read MoreM.G. NEACȘU, V.S. STANCIU , G.V. RÂȘNOVEANU, S.S. MATEI, C. NICOLESCU
13th WEC Central & Eastern Europe Regional Energy Forum – FOREN-2016 Read MoreLucian Nicolae DEMETER, Bogdan-Alexandru ONOSE, Viorel URSU
WEC CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE REGIONAL ENERGY FORUM – FOREN 2016, 12-16 June 2016, Vox Maris Grand Resort, Costinesti, Romania This paper presents a study on the performances of an autonomous power system based on renewable energy sources usage, a system designed to equip trailers or car platforms. The electromechanical system was developed by Icpe within “SIMOPEL” project, a large project from the electric mobility field. Icpe through this project imposed itself as a major objective to become a systems, components and services manufacturer in the field of mobility based on electric propelled vehicles. Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE, Ramona CHIRESCU, N. FIDEL
Conferința Națională de Surse Noi și Regenerabile de Energie Ediția a XVI-a, Târgoviște, 22-23 Octombrie 2016 Read MoreLucian Nicolae DEMETER, Alexandra Ionela VINTILĂ, Viorel URSU
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 3 This paper presents the design and analysis of a photovoltaic off-grid power system, an electromechanical structure having the role of an electric charging station within the electro-mobility area. A photovoltaic charging station developed for land vehicles and boats based on electro-mobility, namely a modular electric propulsion system, made in flexible technologies for equipping land electric vehicles or electric boats. Read MoreBogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Constantin NICOLESCU, Silviu MATEI, Mihai NEACȘU
Electric Vehicle Conference and Show 2015 – EV 2015 Read MoreIoana IONICĂ, Mircea MODREANU, Alexandru MOREGA, Cristian BOBOC
SIMPOZIONUL DE MAŞINI ELECTRICE SME’15, 2015 The paper aims to analyse and develop numerical models for the DC Limited Angle Torque Motors of TQR-16/2-B type that are important in their construction. Measurements carried on an experimental model are used for validation of numerical model and compares well with the numerical simulation results. Read MoreBica ZORLESCU, Ion BÂRSAN
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 8 This paper aims to emphasize the importance of the preliminary analysis and the economic effects within managerial decisions and the cost of operation, so that the account information to be used efficiently. The inventory accounting contributes to the planning, budgeting and managing of the enterprise economic resources. To manage the resources and the costs means not only to try to reduce their value, but also to maintain the balance between the expenditure and the utility generated by this. That means to take good decisions in all domains, which have influences over the enterprise’s resources and costs. The result of the enterprise express its own exploiting elements – the owned resources – the capability of the enterprise to produce by its own activity – namely what is capable to produce – and all the quality dimensions of its own production capacity – how it produces and for whom. Keeping the potential of the enterprise’s activity depends on the way it succeed in recovering, by selling, the costs resulted from the manufacturing activity and the development is conditioned by the difference between the amounts obtained from selling the goods, execution of works or services and the expenditures related to these activities. Read MoreLucian Nicolae DEMETER, Alexandra Ionela VINTILĂ, Viorel URSU
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 3 Within the More Electric Aircraft (MEA) concept, the aerospace world has found the possibility to reduce or to replace traditional pneumatic and hydraulic systems with lighter and more reliable electric systems. Important changes are made to the electric generation and distribution system with a trend of leaving the constant frequency AC energy distribution in favour of variable frequency. The matrix converters (MC) represent a more efficient and reliable solution to replace the standard V-BBC (Voltage link Back to Back Converter); however the control required is more sophisticated. This paper presents an overview of modulation and control of MC and an important part of the paper is dedicated to the power converter design. Finally, a simulation using Matlab-Simulink environment and tests are presented on a laboratory prototype. Read MoreAlexandru RADULIAN, Nicolae MOCIOI, Ionuț DEACONU
MESAGERUL ENERGETIC, ISSN: 2066 – 4974, ANUL XIV, NR. 159, februarie 2015 Read MoreAlexandru RADULIAN, Nicolae MOCIOI, Ionut DEACONU
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 2 The vacuum arc is an electric discharge in metal vapours produced by electric contacts after disconnecting of an AC inductive load. When a current of tens of amperes is disconnected, the vacuum arc has a low energy (diffuse arc) and it cannot longer sustain itself, therefore the current suddenly “chop” to zero. If the value of chopping current is high enough, this fast variation of the current along with circuit impedance can produce over-voltages. In this paper, experiments made on the different contact materials in order to reduce de value of the chopping current, are reported. The chopping current measurements were carried out with a demountable vacuum chamber in a synthetic test circuit that can produces a current pulse with an amplitude up to 100A. Read MoreFloarea VASILE
Conferința Națională de Surse Noi și Regenerabile de Energie Ediția a XV-a, Târgoviște, 29-30 Octombrie 2015 Read MoreFloarea VASILE, D. ARSENE
Conferința de închidere a proiectului POSDRU: Noi standarde ocupaționale pentru o economie orientată spre o dezvoltare durabilă și economisirea resurselor energetice – NEW S.O.L.A.R, București 11 decembrie 2015 Read MoreBogdan VĂRĂTICEANU, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Silviu MATEI
International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 2014 – ISFEE 2014 Read MoreEugeniu Alexandru STERE, Ionel POPA
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 4 | art. 14 The paper describes the activities which preceded the „Earth Summit” held at Rio in 1992 and the documents analysed and voted by the leaders of the States and delegates. It was presented too the content of the sustainable development programme, named Agenda 21, Rio Declaration regarding the rights and the obligations of the States and the Declaration ofn the biological diversity (biodiversity). There weree, finally, mentioned some intersting data which can stimulate the sustainable development achievement and also data which can delay this achievement. No wonder that every five years further was necessary to be organized other Summits and working teams or committees. Read MoreConstantin IVANPVICI, Ionel POPA, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Eleonora ȚIPU
The 8th International Symposium on Adevanced Topics in Electrical Engineering – ATEE-2013 Read MoreIonel POPA, Miorița UNGUREANU
Revista „Tehnică şi Tehnologie”, 68, nr.2/2013, pag.92-93, ISSN 1453 8423 Read MoreMagdalena LUNGU, Violeta TSAKIRIS, Elena ENESCU, Delia PĂTROI, Virgil MARINESCU, Dorinel TĂLPEANU, Dan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Alexandru RADULIAN
Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol 125 (2014), No. 2, p. 327-330, ISSN: [e]1898-794X ; [p]0587-4246 This study reports on the development of some W-Cu-Ni materials for use as electrical contacts for low voltage vacuum switching contactors for nominal currents up to 630 A. The contact materials with 85 wt% W, 12-14 wt% Cu and 1-3 wt% Ni were obtained by spark plasma sintering process in vacuum. From very nely dispersed W-Cu-Ni powder mixtures there were produced sintered electrical contact pieces that were investigated in terms of physical, microstructural, mechanical, and functional properties. The material sintered at 1200 0C exhibited a near fully dense structure with very low porosity and enhanced mechanical properties: hardness of maximum 480 HV1 and elastic modulus of maximum 220 GPa and low chopping current of maximum 1.77 A. Read MoreVioleta TSAKIRIS, Magdalena LUNGU, Elena ENESCU, Dan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Alexandru RADULIAN, Nicolae MOCIOI
Proc. of. International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum Acta Physica Polonica A, Vol 125 (2014), No. 2, p. 348-352, ISSN: [e]1898-794X ; [p]0587-4246 Nanostructured W-Cu-Ni electrical contact materials to be used in low voltage vacuum switching contactors for nominal currents up to 630 A were developed successfully by hot isostatic pressing. W-Cu-Ni composite powder mixtures with copper content of 20 to 40 wt% and 1 wt% Ni were mechanically alloyed in Ar atmosphere by high -energy ball milling with a ratio of milling steel balls: powders mixtures of 8:1 and rotation speed of 400 rpm for 10 and 20 h. The effect of mechanical alloying on the sintering response of composite compacts was investigated. Also, the sintered contacts were characterized from the point of view of physical, microstructural, mechanical, and functional properties. The nanostructured electrical contacts presented very good sinterability and homogeneous structures with a maximum compactity degree of about 89%. The best W-Cu-Ni compositions with relative density of about 80%, chopping currents lower than 5 A, copper content lower than 40% as W-20Cu-1Ni (10 h of mechanical alloying and 20 h of mechanical alloying) and W-30%Cu-Ni (10 h of mechanical alloying) were selected to be used in vacuum contactors. Read MorePaula ANGHELIȚĂ
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 11 At present, the requirement of obtaining a healthy and comfortable indoor environment becomes of great importance. During the past decade, the Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) issue was analysed both from the perspective of its impact on occupants (people spending up to 90 % of their time in indoor environment where level of pollutants are reported two to five times higher than outside), and from perspective of sustainable buildings creation. Lowering the indoor levels of pollutants and their effects represent an important target and a priority both in new buildings design and in rehabilitation process of old buildings. The use of materials and products with low-polluting emissions during rehabilitation successfully contribute to this goal. To create an energy efficient and exceptional living environment, different specific factors, that depends on occupants requirements, the existent constructive solutions, as well as restrictions imposed by standards, have to be balanced against each other in order to fuse health, comfort, and environmental aspects. In this paper, it will be presented the peculiarities about the evaluation process of the Indoor Environmental Quality, in order to obtain both valuable information on users’ perception of the buildings before and after rehabilitation process, and a better understanding of what is most important in the building environment to focus on. Read MoreMircea MODREANU, Mihail-Iulian ANDREI
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 1 | art. 3 The paper presents the electromagnetic modeling methodologies of a two-channel limited angle torque motor. There are presented two types of numeric models: two 2D models created by using specialized software for the numeric field analysis COMSOL Multiphysics and FEMM and one 3D model created with COMSOL Multiphysics. First, the numeric results for the 2D models will be compared. In the second part, the benefits of the 3D model will be highlighted. Finally, the numeric results of all models will be validated by comparison with the data obtained in the experimental way. Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Gheorghe GHIUR, Viorel IONESCU
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 1 | art. 11 New types of compact fluorescent lamps of power from 32 W to 105 W with improved performances in terms of: efficiency (η), power factor (λ), total harmonic distortion of the current (THDI) and the absorbed power (Pabs) were performed by specialists of Icpe. New types of electronic ballasts, composed of specialized integrated circuits depending on the nominal power, were designed and manufactured. Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Florian LAZĂR, Gabriel RÂȘNOVEANU, Bogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 2 | art. 2 The paper presents the results of the Eureka’s project of an international consortium based on CIVAN Advanced Technologies, Technosoft International and ICPE. The goal of the project is to design, develop, realize and test a 2D laser system machine. The product has components a new laser based on small diode lasers, intelligent servo-drives and a robotized 2D table. The linear movement on two axes is realized by ironless, bilateral linear motors with permanent magnets. The research directions of the project, components, performances and applications of the robotized table are detailed. Read MoreAlexandru Eugeniu STERE, Ionel POPA, Sanda Liana COTESCU
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 2 | art. 16 The paper presents the actions deployed by the United Nations during the eights decade of the last century, that were marked by the activities of the first Independent Commissions, Commissions presided by Willy Brandt (1977-1980), Olof Palme (1980-1982) and Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland (1984-1987). The reports of the first two Commission („North-South: A Program for Survival” from 1980, and „The Common Security: A Blue-print for Survival” from 1982) were very useful for the „World Commission on Environment and Development”, known as „Brundtland Commission” too. The Report „Our Common Future” presented in 1987, the Commission founded the concept of the sustainable development. The new concept made a normal link between environment and development, including the other main factors concerning the life and humanity survival (peace and security, population and human resources, food, protection of species and ecosystems, management of oceans and space, industry, economy, energy, institutional and legal bases, etc.). Read MoreBogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU, Nicolae MOCIOI, Constantin NICOLESCU
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 3 | art. 2 This paper presents the Icpe research project regarding design and development of a Level 2 charging station for electric vehicle. The new concept proposes that the charging station should be supplied entirely from renewable energy sources. The research project also includes a study of electric vehicle charging modes. Read MoreBogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU, Paul MINCIUNESCU, Daniel FODOREAN
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 1 | art. 1 In high-speed machines, the rotor mechanical design often become more critical that the electromagnetic or thermal design. The main focus is to find out and reduce the mechanical stress distribution in the rotor’s component parts. For preliminary mechanical design, the analytical approach is used. Further design and optimization implies 2D finite element analysis. In this paper, two types of permanent magnet rotors (with surface-mounted magnets and with buried magnets) are modeled and analyzed. Read MoreMarin NEDELCU, Marian APOSTOL, Viorel Şerban STANCIU, Ion BÂRSAN
EEA 2014 | vol. 62 | nr. 1 | art. 5 A new type of thermoelectric transport is described, consisting of pulses of charge carriers, which “fly” periodically through the external circuit from the hot end of the sample to the cold end, with a determined duration of the “on” and “off” times of the electric contacts, while maintaining continuously the thermal contacts. It is shown that such a non-equilibrium ideal thermal “machine” works cyclically with an improved efficiency compared with efficiency of the thermoelectric devices operated in an equilibrium transport regime, but the electric flow and power are increased, as a consequence of concentrating the charge carriers on pulses of small spatial extent. The machine is reversible, in the sense that it can operate either as a thermoelectric generator or as an electro-thermal cooler. So, it is described a new thermoelectric generator special designing to fulfill the needs of pulse operating and a set up able to measure the thermoelectric parameters of Non Steady-State (pulse) operated generators. Preliminary measurements show a minimum two times increasing of delivered electric power, using same heat power input, when we are working in pulse operation. It is confirmed existence of a lower limit of frequency where the electric power starts to increase comparing with DC operation and a superior limit of frequency, where the increasing is too low to be taken into consideration. All these results are a strong confirmation of “pulsed thermoelectricity” theory. Read MoreTiberiu TUDORACHE, Bogdan Daniel DUMITRU, Mircea MODREANU
EEA 2013 | vol. 61 | nr. 1 | art. 3 This paper deals with the numerical analysis of a series of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines (PMSM) with the purpose to identify favourable combinations of the number of slots Z and number of poles 2p that lead to reduced values of Cogging Torque (CT) and Unbalanced Radial Forces (URF). The numerical analysis is carried out on PMSMs with 10, 12 and 14 poles and with a variable number of slots between 12 and 45. This study uses the field computation software package FLUX based on Finite Element Method (FEM), followed by analytical calculations for the estimation of URF. Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Bogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU, Stelian MARINESCU
EEA 2013 | vol. 61 | nr. 2 | art. 4 The paper presents a high-tech permanent magnets brushless machine with double-radial air gap, double rotor and axially aligned stator poles. The stator windings are physical separated from each other in order to encourage airflow around the conductors for a better effective cooling. Numerical modeling analysis is used to predict the new machine performances. The new configuration provides some advantages in comparison with a standard construction: higher efficiency, lower permanent magnet weight, efficient cooling system, lower inertia, suited for fault tolerant machine. Read MoreCornel JIVAN, Mihai HANEK
EEA 2013 | vol. 61 | nr. 3 | art. 5 The paper presents an analysis of the power quality in a trader with special technological equipment that requires continuous power. We found very high levels of capacitance energy injected in the electric network, confirmed also by the electric energy bills. After the recorded tests and measurements, we found the generating sources, namely the three power supplies UPS, each of 250 kVA capacity. To remedy this problem, we proposed a number of measures including the installation of a passive filter (inductive) to compensate the capacitive load. Read MoreAlexandru RADULIAN, Nicolae MOCIOI
2014 International Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE), p. 204 – 209, Publisher : IEEE, DOI:10.1109/ICEPE.2014.6969898, Electronic ISBN: 978-1-4799-5849-8 In this paper, the authors aim to present the modelling, simulation and experimentation of an electromagnetic actuator used in the construction of vacuum contactors. In order to validate the numerical results obtained by computer simulation was performed and an experimental model. The role of the electromagnetic actuator is to achieve movement of the movable electrical contacts of the contactor with certain speeds and precise trajectories. The advantages of the electromagnetic actuator presented in this paper are the following: it is able to perform a large number of mechanical cycles (at least than one million), with high frequency, with high holding force in the closed position, through reducing air gaps and technology leakage flux, low power consumption, enrolling in a compact volume, reliable and low cost manufacturing. Using finite element simulation software, it was modelated and optimized an electromagnetic actuator with high performance, reliable, inexpensive that can be easily used in the construction of the Vacuum Contactors. Read MoreBogdan ONOSE, Cristian BOBOC, Mihaela CHEFNEUX
EEA 2015 | vol. 63 | nr. 4 | art. 5 This paper presents the improvements made to the ICPE Office Building. The concept, which lies behind the new building energy management system (BEMS), is based on extending the existing capabilities in terms of connections and inputs to the system and increase the number of sensors and meters in order to improve the overall data quality, by managing to isolate small areas from the building. The information presented is based on all energetic fluids found in ICPE Office Building, like heating agent, cooling agent, electric current and domestic water. A depth analysis of the building systems operating mode was made and based on that an adequate strategy that was developed in order to monitor and control all the important aspects of the building. Read MoreRăzvan MĂGUREANU, Mihaela SCORȚESCU, Crişan DAVIDESCU
EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 4 | art. 10 As a partner in ELMAS – “ENK6-CT1999-00017 – New High Efficiency Electric Machines Solutions for Mild Hybrid Applications”, POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest and also ICPE SA and Electrotehnica SA acting as subcontractors were involved in the research of new technical solutions to be used in development of a hybrid vehicle. The project was coordinated by Centro Ricerche Fiat (Italia) Other partners were: University of Sheffield (UK), Politecnico di Torino (Italia), Volvo Technology (Sweden), Aachen University Of Technology (Germany) Switched Reluctance Drives LTD (UK). The Romanian partners were in charge of: design and manufacture of the permanent magnet synchronous motor, design and manufacture of power inverter, control of the motor and inverter through a CAN bus. In this article will be presented the results obtained by romanian partners. Read MoreViorel STANCIU, Mihaela CHEFNEUX, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Bogdan VĂRĂTICEANU
Vol. 60 | nr. 4 | October – December 2012 Article 11EEA 2012 | vol. 60 | nr. 4 | art. 11 Based on economic reasoning, there is limited access for watercraft in protected areas. The pollution produced by traditional propulsion systems represents the primary reason for these limitations. The hybrid propulsion system from eco-friendly watercraft developed by the ECO-Boat project will be able to improve the performance related to efficiency and pollution of watercraft that require small or medium power. The propulsion system is designed to be adapted to new or retrofitted watercraft based on a thermal propulsion system and using available modules on the market. The electrical engine coupled with the internal combustion engine will be scaled to give the maximum power required for watercraft propulsion, while the power management system will be designed to meet the electrical power requirements of the watercraft. Through it’s eco-friendly propulsion system, Eco-boat will represent an amazing opportunity to visit fragile, pure and protected ecosystems, usually prohibited for motorized watercrafts while preserving their unique integrity and biodiversity. Read More
Constantin IVANOVICI, Eleonora ȚIPU, Florin IONESCU, Ionel POPA, Viorel IONESCU, Lorant KOTELES
EEA 2011 | vol. 59 | nr. 1 | art. 8 At present, in indoor lighting, the lighting system with lamps with LEDs is in incipient study for commercialization, but even now this system is a viable substitute and tis probable that in the future it will constitute an alternative for the entire range of lamps.This article presents the aspects related to the study and performance of 3 variants of tubular lamps for indoor lighiting with LEDs for 600mm, 1200mm, and 1500mm, that are equivalent to the tubular fluorescent lamps of 18 W, 36 W and 58 W which they can replace in the existing luminaires. Using the lighting sources with LEDs will achieve an important electrical energy saving for indoor lighting, an lifetime of the lighting source of over 20 years, protecting the environment. Read MoreDan Ilie TEODOREANU, Maria TEODOREANU, Ştefan ȘONTEA
EEA 2011 | vol. 59 | nr. 2 | art. 9 The paper presents the main achievements of the New Energy Sources Laboratory of ICPE in the field of photovoltaics and the main research activities of the centre within national and international collaborations. Founded in February 1981, NESL became an important group performing R&D activities in the field of photovoltaics (PV) and other renewable energy sources. Read MoreCătălin VITELARU, Alexandru RADULIAN, Nicolae MOCIOI, Viorel BRAIC
32nd ICPIG, 26-31 Julie, 2015, Iași, Romania Optical Emission Spectroscopy and fast imaging were performed in a testing facility designed to measure electrical characteristics of vacuum contactors. The emission spectra are used to identify the dominant species in the discharge volume between electrodes, depending on the current regime. The fast imaging offers a global view on the temporal and spatial evolution of the arcs developing between the two electrodes. Moreover the mechanical movement of the mobile electrode is quantified and analysed, in relation with the electrical measurements. Read MoreOprea S., Joga A., Zorlescu B., Oprea V.
Revista High Performance Polymers, vol. 1-8 Two series of polyurethane elastomers were obtained from poly(1,4-butylene adipate) diol and 1,6-diisocyanatohexane, which were then chain extended with resorcinol derivatives such as benzene-1,3-diol, 2,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde, or 1-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl) hexan-1-one. This article investigates the effects induced in polyurethane elastomer properties by varying the hard segment composition through changing the amount of aliphatic diisocyanate and through the influence of the chemical structure of the resorcinol derivatives’ chain extenders. The different chemical composition and the presence of different dangling chains on the chain extender structure influenced hard segment cohesion, resulting in important effects on the polyurethane elastomer properties. Read MoreIoana IONICĂ, Mircea MODREANU, Alexandru MOREGA, Cristian BOBOC
Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași, Secția Electrotehnică, Energetică și Electronică, Fasc. 4, Tomul LXI (LXV), pp. 53-60, Editura Politehnium, 2015, ISSN: 1223-8139 This paper aims to present and analyse magnetic field models for a DC Torque Motor, by using an electromagnetic field analysis program, which is based on the finite element method that facilitates the accurate evaluation of several configurations, reducing thus the need for experimental models. Read MoreStelian MARINESCU, Paul MINCIUNESCU
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 3 | art. 11 The paper deals with a naval propulsion system in which the propeller is directly driven, on the periphery, by an electric motor. This configuration enables an increase of the propulsion efficiency. The motor used is synchronous, with permanent magnets, free of slots. The construction and the experimental results are also presented. Read MorePaula ANGHELIȚĂ, R. W. P. KERKENAAR, W. F. H. MERCK
Proc. of. International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum ISDEIV 2002, pag. 443-446, 2002 In this paper the arc voltage of a vacuum interrupter, switching a 10 A DC current, is evaluated. Voltage peaks are counted during 6 ms and represented in histograms. These histograms are unambiguously discriminative for pressures above 3*10/sup -2/ Pa. Beyond this pressure a sharp change in the performance of the arc voltage is visible. Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE
Simpozionul Automobilul electric, octombrie 2012 Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Ioan DRANGA, Ionel Popa, Lorant Arpad KOTELES, Mioara MAZILU, Nicolae GOLOVANOV
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 4 | art. 13 The paper presents the results of the Eureka’s project of an international consortium based on CIVAN Advanced Technologies, Technosoft International and ICPE. The goal of the project is to design, develop, realize and test a 2D laser system machine. The product has components a new laser based on small diode lasers, intelligent servo-drives and a robotized 2D table. The linear movement on two axes is realized by ironless, bilateral linear motors with permanent magnets. The research directions of the project, components, performances and applications of the robotized table are detailed. Read MoreLidia AVĂDANEI, Sanda COTESCU, Cornel PREDUȚ, Magda BUNEA, Aurelia IONESCU , Marius JITIAN, Rodica ION, Horia IOVU, Petru NOTINGHER, Mihail CONSTANTINESCU
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr.3+ 4 | art. 15 Read MoreElena ROTAR, Aurora JOGA, Liliana PUȘCAȘ
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 3 | art. 10 The article presents an original process used to select the components of an insulation system. The results obtained as a result of applying the compatibility test for the insulating materials are presented in parallel with the results obtained in the case of testing of complete insulation systems in accordance with the standardized methodology. Read MorePaula ANGHELIȚĂ, Mihaela CHEFNEUX, Mihaela SCORȚESCU, Loren TROCAN, Relu BALABAN
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 2 | art. 3 Within the European Research Project RO 0054 (Integrated micro CCHP-Stirling Engine based on renewable energy sources, for the isolated residential consumers from South-East region of Romania (m-CCHP-SE)), some aspects regarding the conception of power production /distribuition systems were investigated aiming to develop the power independence of residential buildings, and having a low impact on the environment. The main objective of the project consist on the mCCHP-SE (micro Combined Cooing Heat and Power – with Stirling Engine) system development of the insolated regions, of the regions in country and towns placed on the edge, like a durable Read MoreBunea MAGDALENA
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 3+ 4 | art. 14 Read MoreDaniel COCHIOR, Silviu CONSTANTINOIU, Dumitru PEȚA, Paul PENCIOIU, Dan Cusătură CRĂCIUN, Dan Gabriel COSTEA
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 1 | art. 10 The paper refers to no absorbable monofilament suture material, known as D&D Black®, the only one made in Romania, after 6 years of hard works. The product has been made as result of collaboration between Surgical Clinics of CF2 and St. Maria Hospital, ICPE – Bucharest (physical and chemical testing) and ICCF – Bucharest (laboratory in vivo testing). Certainly, the idea is not original in medicine, but at a national level can solve few medical and economical problems and seems to by a real advantage to use these threads. This clinical and laboratory study analyzes the use of D&D Black®, no absorbable monofilament suture material versus nylon multifilament suture threads, a suture threads which is still used in Romania despite the fact that it has no medicalaccepted by Health Department of the Government. Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, GheorgheDUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Smaranda NIȚU
International Conference on Materials and Electrical Engineering, 16-19 June 2008 Read MoreSmaranda NIȚU, Constantin NIȚU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
The International Conference on “Computer as a Tool”, EUROCON 2005, vol. 2, pag. 1442-1445 The switching tests, to which are subjected the interrupters, consume a large amount of power and materials. The ante-calculation of the arc voltage or the post-arc current is practically impossible to be analytically achieved. A solution is the switching process modeling, by taking into account the apparatus characteristics, such as dissipated power and the time constants. Within the framework of this paper, a model of the switching phenomena in an AC low voltage vacuum circuit breaker is presented, aiming to better predict the apparatus behaviour. The model is based on a very attentive experimental investigation of the switching processes taking place at high currents interruption. Based on the experimental investigations results, statistically processed, the parameters of the electric arc model, from the Mayr’s equation can be calculated. Finally, the arc voltage, the post-arc current and the transient recovery voltage, which represent the circuit breaker stresses in the switching process, are calculated. The obtained results are validated by comparison with the experimental ones and they can be used to predict the behaviour of other similar circuit breaker of new type or to optimise an existing apparatus. Read MorePaula ANGHELIȚĂ, Mihaela CHEFNEUX, Relu BALABAN, Loren TROCAN
Proc. of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering – ISEEE 2010, 16-18 September 2010 Read MoreFloarea VASILE, Nicolae VASILE
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. nr.3+ 4 | art. 13 Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Viorel BRAIC, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Florin GHERENDI, Mariana BRAIC, Gabriela PAVELESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Maria ȘTEFAN
Proc. of. International Symposium on Discharges and Electrical Insulation in Vacuum ISDEIV 2002, pag. 170-173, 2002 The paper deals with the electric arc phenomena in a low voltage circuit breaker in order to improve the breaking capability. Electrical and thermal parameters were measured in the high current arc period and in the zero current moment (CZ) and corroborated with the arc plasma spectroscopic investigations. Considerations concerning successful or unsuccessful high current interruption are presented. The paper presents results based on single shot time resolved emission spectroscopy around the CZ. Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 4 | art. 14 Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Smaranda NIȚU, Gabriela PAVELESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
Proc.1-er Conference sur l’arc electrique (CAE-2005), pag.28-35, Orleans, FRANŢA Read MoreGheorghe GHIUR, Radu PORUMB, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Daniel Emilian DOBRESCU, Ion VĂCĂRESCU
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 2 | art. 9 Development of a good quality public lighting represents a requirement, both social and economic, by adopting the best technical solutions for the increase of the lighting installations power efficiency. The recommended lighting level is established based on some technical-economic studies by comparing the lighting installation cost and the indirect losses due to the social costs, accidents and aggressions in the night-time. The reduction of the lighting level under the recommended values generates a rapid increase of the indirect losses, so that the electric power saving necessary to the lighting systems cannot be obtained by reducing the lighting level, but it can be obtained only by using highly efficient lighting installations which are able to ensure the adequate lighting level. Read MoreCorina NICOLAE, Daniela BULEANDRĂ, Maria CĂȘĂRIU
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 4 | art. 12 Read MoreNicolae GOLOVANOV, Radu PORUMB, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Gheorghe GHIUR, Yann Alexander CARACOTA, Mioara MAZILU, Dragoş ROSMETENIUC
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 4 | art. 6 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Radu CÂRNARU
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 3 | art. 5 Read MoreGheorghe DUMITRESCU, Gheorghe ȚULUCA, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, V. TRUȘCĂ, V. BARBU
Conferința INFRANTRANS 2005, Bucureşti, ROMANIA Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Gabriela PAVELESCU, Florin GHERENDI, Smaranda NIȚU, Viorel BRAIC, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 35, issue 4, part. 2, August 2007 Electrical and optical investigations are focused on a vacuum circuit breaker study. The short-circuit regime in the low-voltage network is exactly reproduced by a specific test circuit. The analysis of the phenomena during the high-current evolution and on the current-zero zone is made for the purpose of increasing the breaking capability of this kind of equipment. The displacement speed of the arc column on the surface of the contact pieces in the case of the transverse magnetic field solution is correlated with the spatial and temporal plasma diagnostic. For post-arc current being an important element defining the quality of the short-circuit interruption process, specific measurements are also performed. For better understanding of the high-current interruption in vacuum, the experimentally studied phenomena are mathematically modeled. Read MoreDaniela BULEANDRA
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 1 | art. 18 Read MoreDaniela BULEANDRĂ, Maria CĂȘĂRIU, Corina NICOLAE, Ştefan OPREA
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 4 | art. 7 Read MoreNicolae GOLOVANOV, Radu PORUMB, Constantin IVANOVICI, Virgil RICICOVSCHI, Ionel POPA, Iulian TURCU, Dragoş ROSMETENIUC
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 4 | art. 10 Read MoreRadu PORUMB, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Mioara MAZILU, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Sidonia CRĂCIUN, Iulian TURCU
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 3 | art. 9 Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Smaranda NIȚU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 31, issue 5, pag. 869-876, 2003 This paper presents the main peculiarities of the post-arc (p.a.) current within the low-voltage switching process in a vacuum as compared with the medium-voltage p.a. current. The high-frequency p.a. current oscillation is measured and mathematically described. There are two high-frequency components produced by the equivalent scheme of the circuit breaker and by the nonlinear characteristic of the p.a. residual plasma. Also described is the influence of the axial magnetic field (AMF) on the p.a. current evolution and high-frequency oscillation. The authors have noticed that the nonlinear p.a. high-frequency component, produced by nonlinear characteristic of residual plasma, is severely damped by the AMF. Using an analytical approach of the phenomenon, this study also provides a general mathematical model for the p.a. current. The results of the mathematical model contribute to a better understanding of the physical peculiarities of the short-circuit current zero zone. Read MoreNicolae GOLOVANOV, Radu PORUMB, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Dragoş ROSMETENIUC, Mihai CHERSIN, Mircea PARASCHIVA, Sidonia CRĂCIUN, Iulian TURCU
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 2 | art. 11 Read MoreIonel POPA, George Dan BIDULESCU
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 3 | art. 9 Read MoreSandor BARTHA, Dan Ilie TEODOREANU, Maria TEODOREANU, István FARKAS
EEA 2011 | vol. 59 | nr. 2 | art. 11 The paper presents a case study and application method for the hydrogen storage of the energy produced by a PV solar energy system. A technical analysis of the performance of the 1 kWp rated power PV generator is presented, followed by the description of the conversion of the solar energy into hydrogen and the classical technologies for hydrogen production. The theoretical model for PV hydrogen production, developed for this case study uses the main electrochemical and physical relations and the model data graphically presented. A detailed model for the evaluation of the main fuel cell parameters like efficiency and open circuit voltage is given for the commercial fuel cells. Read MorePaula ANGHELIȚĂ, Florin PĂIȘ
Sesiunea de comunicări ştiinţifice ICPE, Septembrie 2000, Bucureşti, ROMANIA Read MoreGabriela PAVELESCU, Dan PAVELESCU, Florin GHERENDI, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
International Conference on „Micro-to-Nano-Photonics” – ROMOPTO 2006, 28 – 31 August 2006, Sibiu, ROMANIA Read MoreDan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Gabriela PAVELESCU, Florin GHERENDI, Smaranda NIȚU, ViorelBRAIC, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Paula LUNGU
Proc. of the Conference “Cercetarea de excelenţă – premiză favorabilă pentru dezvoltarea spaţiului românesc de cercetare”, 22-24 October 2006 Read MoreYann Alexander CARACOTA, Mioara MAZILU, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Mihai CHERSIN, Nicolae BOTEZATU, Mircea PARASCHIVA, Sidonia CRĂCIUN, Ion VĂVĂRESCU
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 3 | art. 12 Read MoreRodica Elena CECLAN, Mihai CECLAN, Ionel POPA
EEA 2011 | vol. 59 | nr. 4 | art. 9 Read MoreGabriela PAVELESCU, Dan PAVELESCU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ, Paula LUNGU, Florin GHERENDI, Viorel BRAIC
Simpozionul ştiinţific „55 de ani de activitate al grupului ICPE în dezvoltarea sectorului electrotehnic“, 20-21 Septembrie 2005, Bucureşti, ROMANIA Read MoreMihaela MÂNZICU
EEA 2014 | vol. 58 | nr. 3 | art. 15 This paper deals with the present stage of the electric scooter development. Starting from some constructive examples it has resulted that the electric scooter represents an extremely efficient transportation alternative from the economic and environment protection viewpoints. Also, we studied the electric scooters from the electric domain viewpoint, the reference model being one of the most advanced scooter models, the Vectrix scooter, and shows the features of the motor, the control system and the accumulators for this model. Read MoreAnton RĂDULESCU, Constantin DINULESCU, Ion VĂCĂRESCU, Gheorghe GHIUR, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Laurenţiu LIPAN, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Dragoş ROSMETENIUC, Sidonia CRĂCIUN
EA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 1 | art. 11 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Florian LAZĂR, Gabriel RÂȘNOVEANU, Bogdan Dumitru VĂRĂTICEANU
EEA 2011 | vol. 59 | nr. 3 | art. 6 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Stelian MARINESCU, Ioana HĂNȚILĂ, Oana M. DROSU
Revue roumaine des sciences techniques Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique, 2011, issue 2 This work presents an efficient iterative FEM-BEM procedure for the computation of the magnetic field in electric machines. The magnetic field is determined separately, by FEM, for a stator and rotor pole pitch, under the assumption that the vector potential satisfies Dirichlet and periodic boundary conditions. The normal derivative of the potential is obtained, which is then introduced into the integral equation written for the air region boundaries, thus yielding the new value of the potential. The numerical expression of the integral equation takes into account the periodicity of the geometrical structure and defines the relationship between the normal derivative and potential only for a polar pitch. The convergence of the procedure is ensured by the large value of the ferromagnetic permeability. For nonlinear media, the large value of the permeability is maintained by applying the polarization fixed point method. Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Aurelia IONESCU, Ionel POPA, Cristian LUNGANU
EEA 2011 | vol. 59 | nr. 3 | art. 9 In this paper, we studied the quality and proper choice of the interior lighting system that may affect the efficiency in an important measure of the human activity. Lighting systems are adapted to the physiological aspects of the eye (mechanical work), while others should take into account an important component of the human psychology (in schools or halls protocol). Read MoreMihaela SCORȚESCU
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 1 | art. 6 Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Aurelia IONESCU, Viorel IONESCU, Ionel POPA, Eleonora ȚIPU
Simpozion „Impactul acquis-ului comunitar de mediu asupra tehnologiilor şi echipamentelor” – ACQUISTEM 2011, ICPE-Agigea, pag.21, ISBN 978-606-507-0608, editura ELECTRA, 28 – 29 iulie Read MoreRodica Elena CECLAN, Mihail CECLAN, Ionel POPA
Simpozion „Impactul acquis-ului comunitar de mediu asupra tehnologiilor şi echipamentelor” – ACQUISTEM 2011, ICPE-Agigea, pag.29, ISBN 978-606-507-0608, editura ELECTRA, 28 – 29 iulie Read MoreValer GIURGIU, Costin CEPIȘCĂ, Gheorghe OARGĂ, Stergios GANASTIOS, Liliana ȘTEFĂNESCU
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 1 | art. 2 Read MoreAlexandru Eugeniu STERE, Ionel POPA
EEA 2011 | vol. 59 | nr. 4 | art. 12 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Ioana HĂNȚILĂ, Stelian MARINESCU
14th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering, Graz, Austria, 19- 22 September 2010 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Caius GAMULESCU, Iulian VASILE, Anton-Mugurel SPIRESCU
The Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics & Mechatronics, 6 2010 (20), No. 38 Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE
Colocviul: Incurajarea antreprenoriatului pentru initierea de afaceri in domeniul inginerie electrica, Bucuresti, 2010 Read MorePaul PENCIOIU, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Radu PORUMB, Nicolae GOLOVANOV, Gheorghe GHIUR, Stelian MATEI
A 45-a Conferinţă Naţională de Instalaţii Electrice şi Automatizări SIEAR 2010, secţiunea „Creşterea performanţei energetice a clădirilor şi a instalaţiilor aferente”, 13 – 15 octombrie 2010, Sinaia Read MoreGheorghe GHIUR, Radu PORUMB, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Daniel Emilian DOBRESCU, Ion VĂCĂRESCU
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 2 | art. 9 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Stelian MARINESCU
Simpozionul de maşini electrice SME’09, 2009 Read MorePaul MINCIUNESCU, Mihaela SCORȚESCU, Stelian MARINESCU, Radu CÂRNARU, Corina MINCIUNESCU, Corneliu GORNIC
Simpozionul de maşini electrice SME’09, Octombrie 2009 Read MoreAdriana BORȘ, Mihai LESCIC, Aurelia MEGHEA, Ionel POPA
International Symposium „The Environment and Industry” – SIMI 2009, INCD-ECOIND, Proceedings Symposium, pag.92-104, ISBN 978-606-507-039-4, editura ELECTRA, 28 – 30 octombrie 2009 Read MoreRodica Elena CECLAN, Mihai CECLAN, Aurelia MEGHEA, Diamantino LOPES, Paulo BAPTISTA, PatriciaTERCEIRO, Ionel POPA
International Symposium „The Environment and Industry” – SIMI 2009, INCD-ECOIND, Proceedings Symposium, pag.17-30, ISBN 978-606-507-039-4, editura ELECTRA, 28 – 30 octombrie 2009 Read MoreIrina MEGHEA, MihaelaMIHAI, Ionel POPA, Stergios GANATSIOS
16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September 9 – 12, 2009, CD conferinţă, W.I. O-07, Sinaia, România Read MoreIonel POPA, Dan BIDULESCU, Rodica CECLAN, Patricia TERCEIRO, Aurelia MEGHEA
16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, September 9 – 12, 2009 Read MoreVirgil RACICOVSCHI, Ion PĂUNA, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Iulian TURCU, Sidonia CRĂCIUN
Simpozionul „Impactul ACQUIS-ului comunitar de mediu asupra tehnologiilor şi echipamentelor”, ediţia a 6-a, 26-28 august 2009 Read MoreYan Alexandre CARACOTA, Mioara MAZILU, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Mihai CHERSIN, Valentin DÂMBOIU, Nicolae BOTEZATU, Sidonia CRĂCIUN
EEA 2009 | vol. 57 | nr. 1 | art. 9 Read MoreConstantin IVANOVICI, Viorel IONESCU, Eleonora ȚIPU, Ionel POPA
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 2 | art. 7 This paper deals with major types of lighting fittings used in the household lighting, taking into consideration the new directions regarding the obsolescence of the incandescent electric lamps (LEI) (of 100 W power) and their replacement by tubular fluorescent lamps (LFT), compact fluorescent lamps (LFC) or, more recently, lighting fittings with LED modules. These increase the luminous efficiency level from 10-14 lm/W (the incandescent electric lamps) to 50-80 lm/W (the LFT, LFC or LEDs) and reduce the electric power consumptions by half compared to LEI. Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE
Sesiunea Stiintifica – Program CEEX 2 – Modul I, Universitatea Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, 18-19 septembrie 2008 Read MoreYan Alexandre CARACOTA, Constantin IVANOVICI, Ionel POPA, Radu PORUMB
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 1 | art. 14 Read MoreNicolae GOLOVANOV, Radu PORUMB, Constantin IVANOVICI, Doru PĂTULEA, Cornel TOADER, Sorin POSTOLACHE, Ionel POPA, Ecaterina FRANSUA
EEA 2008 | vol. 56 | nr. 1 | art. 12 Read MoreLiliana PUȘCAȘ, Adriana Mihaela IONESCU, Bica ZORLESCU
EEA 2010 | vol. 58 | nr. 4 | art. 14 The risk management is a cyclical, continuous process by which decisions in order to remove, diminish or accept the risks are taken, the risk management needs an identification and the analysis of some theoretical matters. Identifying the difficulties and their management lead to success while the unknowledge of risks or to ignore them lead to failure. Practising the risk management brings greater opportunity of succes. Identifying in advance the risks to which the organization is exposed could prevent their negative effects turning out sometimes these risks in the own advantage. The success of an organization depends on the good management of the risk management tools. Their utilization serves to avoid the mistakes, prevent the risks or counteract in time their adverse effects. The risk management process presumes covering five stages: setting of context the risks emerge, their identification and definition, the analysis, development and implementation of response to hazards methods, monitoring , reporting and updating of risk management. Read MoreFloarea VASILE, Mircea COVRIG
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 1 | art. 7 Read MoreFloarea VASILE, Nicolae VASILE
EEA 2007 | vol. 55 | nr. 3 | art. 13 Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE
CCIB 20 iunie 2007; ”REFORM-regional Economic RTD Policy through Foresight & Mentoring”, etapa din Romania: Bucuresti, CCIB, 18-20.06.2007 Read MoreAngela LUPU, Ionel POPA, Constantin DRĂGHICI, Maria Gabriela ALEXANDRU
Revista de Chimie 58 (7)/2007, pag.636-639, ISSN 0034-7752 Read MoreIonel POPA, George Dan BIDULESCU, Georgeta NAGHIU, Ion PĂUNA
The first workshop of Electrical Engineering Materials and Aplications, 21 september 2005, ICPE-CA Bucharest Read MorePaul PENCIOIU, Sanda COTESCU, Ionel POPA, Carmen POPESCU, Nicolae GRAMA, Ani MERLĂ
Revista ECOTERRA, nr.3, decembrie 2004, Cluj-Napoca Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Paul PENCIOIU, Sanda COTESCU, Ionel POPA, Carmen POPESCU, Georgeta NAGHIU
Simpozion “Ziua internaţională pentru protecţia stratului de ozon”, 16-17 septembrie 2004, Constanța Read MoreSanda COTESCU, Ionel POPA
Icpe, vol. II, mai 2004, Bucureşti Read MoreGabriela PAVELESCU, S. GUILLOT, Mariana BRAIC, Dunpin HONG, Dan PAVELESCU, Claude FLEURIER Viorel BRAIC, Florin GHERENDI, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
VII-th International Conference on Optics – ROMOPTO 2003, 8 – 11 Septembrie 2003, Constanta, ROMANIA Read MoreIonel POPA, Victor PĂRĂUȘANU, Angela LUPU
Conferinţa de chimie şi inginerie chimică, Ediţia a XIII-a, UPB, Fac.Chimie Industriala, sept.2003, Bucureşti Read MoreMaria-Magdalena IORDĂCHESCU, Ileana MĂDESCU, Ionel POPA
Conferința națională ‘’Direcții noi de cercetare în ştiinţa materialelor’’, Asociația Româna de Materiale, 17-22 septembrie 2001, Constanța Read MoreIonel POPA, Angela LUPU, Victor PĂRĂUȘANU, Gabriela SCORȚEANU
12th Romanian International Conference Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, UPB, 13-15 september 2001, Bucharest Read MoreMaria-Magdalena IORDĂCHESCU, leana MĂDESCU, Ionel POPA
Sesiunea omagială de comunicări ştiinţifice ‘’Electrotehnica în dezvoltarea durabilă a societăţii’’ Icpe, 24-26 octombrie 2000, București Read MoreIonel POPA, Victor PĂRĂUȘANU
Lucrările Icpe şi CD al Sesiunii de comunicări ştiinţifice “Materiale şi componente electrotehnice“, ICPE, 11-12 septembrie 2000, Bucureşti Read MoreNicolae VASILE, Floarea VASILE
Revista de Chimie 58 (7)/2007, pag.636-639, ISSN 0034-7752 Read MoreSmaranda NIȚU, Dan PAVELESCU, Constantin NIȚU, Gheorghe DUMITRESCU, Paula ANGHELIȚĂ
VIth International Conference of Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering SCEE 2006, 17-22 Septembrie 2006, Sinaia Read More