Areas where Icpe Metrology Laboratory is RENAR certified are:
Manometer with elastic element with digital / analogue display
Multimetre digitale / analogice
Voltmetre digitale / analogice
Ampermetre digitale / analogice
Clampmetre digitale / analogice
Ohmmetre digitale / analogice
Aparate pentru măsurarea rezistenței de dispersie a prizei de pămant
Megohmetre digitale / analogice
Rezistoare de valoare unică
Rezistoare în decade
Additional approaches of Icpe Metrology Laboratory are:
Tester pentru măsurare rigiditate dielectrică ulei
Calibrator de curent şi tensiune continuă /alternativă
Şunt simplu sau multiplu
Aparat electronic cu afişare digitală / analogică pentru măsurat tensiune, curent, rezistenţă, în c.c. şi c.a.
Microvoltmetru şi milivoltmetru selectiv
Generator de semnal
Tahometru fără contact
Punte Wheatstone-Thomson
Punte pentru cabluri
RLC-metru digital
Wattmetru monofazat de c.c. şi c.a.
Fazmetru (cosfimetru) monofazat
Aparat înregistrator tip compensator din instalaţii de automatizare
Element de calcul din instalaţiile de automatizare
Analizor de putere curent continuu / alternativ
Electronic frequency meter stability 10-6
Microvoltmeter and selective milivoltmetru
Signal Generator
Mechanical or digital calipers, outdoor, interior, deep, with a maximum length of 500 mm
Mechanical or digital micrometer, outdoor, deep, for threads, for gears, for sheet, for pipes, with a maximum length of 100 mm
Mechanical or digital micrometer, outdoor, deep, for threads, for gears, for sheet, for pipes, with the length between 100mm and 500 mm
Mechanical dial comparator, comparators with digital display, with the 0.01 mm divisions
Liquid Glass Thermometers
Type J, K, S Thermocouples
Pt100 Termorezistemte
Digital Thermometers
Device simulation index and T analog or digital
Manometric Thermomete
The Metrology Laboratory of Icpe Measurements Center – Metrology is a founding member and holds a leading position in Romanian Association of Laboratories – ROLAB, association affiliated to the European Association of Laboratories – EUROLAB.
The Metrology Laboratory of Icpe acquired in recent years a large number of specialized standards, performance dedicated embedded software. Metrology Laboratory infrastructure using reference standards of the highest level which traceability is established at national or international level, so the result of measurements generated by them guarantees customers’ trust.
Icpe Metrology Laboratory’s infrastructure using reference standards of the highest level which traceability is established at national or international, so the result of measurements generated by them to meet customers’ trust. Specialists in metrology in the Icpe are concerned about their professional training and are capable and competent to perform measurements in the mentioned areas. All customers – existing and potential laboratory services are directed towards meeting their requirements and ensure that all measurements made their quality meets the requirements and legal and regulatory requirements.
The principles underlying the system of Icpe Metrology Laboratory are:
The transparency principle is that the laboratory process known calibration/measurement, identify which objectives, policies applied, which are the strategies adopted, as declared and implemented programs that are cost
Principle of impartiality laboratory credibility in the technical competence of laboratories, increase competitiveness and integrity of laboratory personnel is one of the levers for gaining and maintaining trust
Principle of equal opportunity access laboratory applied equally in relation to accreditation bodies and customers
The principle of efficiency is the allocation of funds and tracking the goals be achieved with the lowest costs
Addressability principle and interest lies in the laboratory processing of applications in a timely and efficient manner to ensure that the deadlines agreed with clients
Independence principle laboratory personnel decisions avoid influencing the results of calibration and measurement
Laboratory confidentiality principle is to apply a policy and procedures to protect confidential information and property rights of its customers
Expediency principle allows laboratory allocation for infrastructure development and increased competence and confidence
The principle of responsibility confined to laboratory information, communication and awareness of staff, being forbidden manipulation or forcing a way to evaluate the results
Necessity principle is achieved and maintained laboratory rates of application of preventive actions to continuously improve the process of calibration/measurement to meet customer needs in a wide range