Advanced solar thermal propulsion system for increasing satelite operational life
ROSA – STAR Project no. 130/2017

The main objectives of this project is to research, design, manufacture and test an advanced/ original solar thermal propulsion system for increasing of operational life of satellites by 2.5 times. The main objective will be reached through achievement of three secondary objectives: R&D of Special Equipment for Focusing of Solar Light (SEFSR), R&D of a high performance/ultra-light solenoid micro-valve and nozzles.

The project runs from September 2017 to December 2019.
Website Proiect
ROSA – STAR Project no. 130/2017
Drd. Ing. Alexandru RADULIAN
Icpe | Splaiul Unirii 313, 030138 București, ROMÂNIA
Tel/fax: +4021- 5893339

Contractul tip CDI, RWSAC, din cadrul programului STAR, subprogramul S1.

ROSA – STAR Project no. 130/2017