Inertial energy storage device for local electrical microgrids protection

Project ID: PN-III-P2-2.1-PTE-2021-0639
Financing contract no.: 72PTE / 2022

Partner Project role Partner logo
ICPE Coordinator (CO)        
Institutul National De Cercetare-Dezvoltare Pentru Inginerie Electrica ICPE – CA Bucuresti (ICPE-CA) Partner (P1)
Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) Partner (P2)

Inertial energy storage systems based on the flywheel principle, known in the literature as “Flywheel Energy Storage System” (FESS), are gaining more and more attention from the scientific community due to the fact that they can be a viable solution to the problem related to the intermittent nature of energy from renewable energy sources. In addition, the level of technological development achieved by additive manufacturing as well as the new composite materials on the market, which have a remarkable potential in terms of the energy density that can be stored and subsequently returned by the flywheel, all of these redefine the concept of FESS, companies important at the international level investing in the research and development of these systems.

The objective of the project is the development of a prototype of an inertial device for energy storage and electromagnetic protection of the local electrical network and the validation in relevant operating conditions of this device with additional protection capabilities, which will be able to develop a power of P = 2kW, the discharge time being at least td = 10 min.

Lucian Nicolae Demeter, research engineer
Phone: +40 21 589 33 00
Email: demeter.lucian@icpe.ro
Icpe | Splaiul Unirii 313, 030138 București, ROMÂNIA

DISEP is a project financed by UEFISCDI through the P2 program – Increasing the competitiveness of the Romanian economy through CDI, “Transfer to economic operator” subprogramme.

The DISEP project aims to develop and prepare for production an innovative product, intended both for energy storage and for the protection of local electrical micro-grids.
The product intended for subsequent introduction into manufacturing at the project coordinator ICPE SA, which has as its object of activity research and technological development, is addressed to companies in the banking sector, medical units, the sector of information storage in data centers, the supply of equipment and computing techniques in laboratories special, units of strategic interest, aiming at the protection and rapid storage of data.

The project runs from June 21, 2022 to June 20, 2024 (24 months).
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