Icpe works

Icpe WORKS: The first 70 years

We resume the publication of  “Icpe Works“, a traditional scientific and technical compendium, which we aim to bring closer to the soul of the “Icpe community”, as a vector of information in the effort to preserve the culture of the organization.

And we resume the publication of “Icpe Works“, this time in digital format, when Icpe celebrates the first 70 years of uninterrupted activity.

“70+” means the destiny of people who have passed away and left something of their lives to Icpe.

“70+” also means countless scientific, technical or engineering contributions to the economic prosperity of Romania and we like to believe that it also means an act of culture, if we can still accept that science is part of culture.

“70+” through the professionalism, selflessness and hard work of some people, means building a well-known brand everywhere.

 The 70-year history of this organization, called Icpe is, on the one hand, a handicap through the methods, self-satisfaction, “blocked in the model” and the kamikaze attitude of some in the face of the challenges created by globalization and fierce market competition. At the same time, a great chance through the traditional school created here, the expertise gained, the integrative accumulations, the company culture and, especially, through the spirit of those who passed here, all being, today, for tomorrow in the HISTORY of Icpe.

Dan V. Racicovschi


Icpe 70+. Electric way since 1973
In 1973, Icpe laid the foundations of the first Romanian research in the field of electric mobility. At Icpe, known as the Icpe-Institute of …

Icpe 70+. A Romanian company involved in programs of the European Space Agency

“Airspace” technologies have been incorporated into Icpe’s concerns since the 1970s, integrating extensive experience in research …

BRIMEE. Cost-effective and sustainable Bio-Renewable Indoor. Materials with high potential for customization and creative design in Energy Efficient buildings

One of the challenges of the present refers to the realization of buildings with low energy consumption …

Icpe 70+. Electrical equipments

Icpe is the only Romanian brand that manufactures switchgear equipment with vaccum interrupters …

Icpe 70+. Electric way since 1973

Icpe 70+. A Romanian company involved in programs of the European Space Agency

BRIMEE. Cost-effective and sustainable Bio-Renewable Indoor. Materials with high potential for customization and creative design in Energy Efficient buildings

Icpe 70+. Electrical equipments

In 1973, Icpe laid the foundations of the first Romanian research in the field of electric mobility. At Icpe, known as the Icpe-Institute of …

Airspace” technologies have been incorporated into Icpe’s concerns since the 1970s, integrating extensive experience in research …

One of the challenges of the present refers to the realization of buildings with low energy consumption … Icpe is the only Romanian brand that manufactures switchgear equipment with vaccum interrupters …

Icpe 70+. Electric way since 1973

In 1973, Icpe laid the foundations of the first Romanian research in the field of electric mobility. At Icpe, known as the Icpe-Institute of …

Icpe 70+. A Romanian company involved in programs of the European Space Agency

Airspace” technologies have been incorporated into Icpe’s concerns since the 1970s, integrating extensive experience in research …

BRIMEE. Cost-effective and sustainable Bio-Renewable Indoor. Materials with high potential for customization and creative design in Energy Efficient buildings

One of the challenges of the present refers to the realization of buildings with low energy consumption …

Icpe 70+. Electrical equipments

Icpe is the only Romanian brand that manufactures switchgear equipment with vaccum interrupters …

Icpe 70+. Electric way since 1973

In 1973, Icpe laid the foundations of the first Romanian research in the field of electric mobility. At Icpe, known as the Icpe-Institute of …

Icpe 70+. A Romanian company involved in programs of the European Space Agency

Airspace” technologies have been incorporated into Icpe’s concerns since the 1970s, integrating extensive experience in research …

BRIMEE. Cost-effective and sustainable Bio-Renewable Indoor. Materials with high potential for customization and creative design in Energy Efficient buildings

One of the challenges of the present refers to the realization of buildings with low energy consumption …

Icpe 70+. Electrical equipments

Icpe is the only Romanian brand that manufactures switchgear equipment with vaccum interrupters …


Icpe has in its portfolio, the most prestigious technical publishing house at national level: the Technical Publishing House but also the EEA Publishing House, the general publishing house. An important component of capitalizing on scientific achievements, since 1950, is the Journal of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Automation. EEA magazine, being indexed B+ in 6 international databases.
The EEA Journal aims to publish those works that, through the new ideas and results shown, make significant contributions to research in Romanian and international avant-garde engineering, such as electrical engineering, electronics, automation and other engineering sciences.


Icpe has several key areas in its portfolio: Defense, Aerospace, Switchgear, Energy, Electric vehicles.
We have a balanced business model, which offers each field of activity the flexibility to remain agile and to maintain a prompt understanding of customer requirements. Each field has been technologically matured, following the participation in numerous scientific research projects at national and international level.
Icpe remains a reliable partner for consortia that want to perform technological performance by obtaining grants.

Icpe Works

Icpe WORKS: Primii 70 de ani

Reluăm publicarea „Lucrărilor Icpe”, compendiu tradiţional ştiinţific şi tehnic, pe care ne propunem să-l apropiem de sufletul „comunităţii Icpe”, ca vector de informare în efortul de păstrare a culturii organizaţiei.

Şi, reluăm publicarea „Lucrărilor Icpe”, de această dată în format digital, când Icpe împlineşte primii 70 de ani de activitate neîntreruptă.

”70+” înseamnă o mare şansă şi o mare oportunitate.

Într-o lume scufundată în toate tipurile de crize: economică, morală, sanitară, poate chiar existenţială, într-o lume, care nu mai încape în ea însăşi iar planeta Pământ nu-i mai este îndeajuns, în care nici aerul nu mai poate fi respirat fără mască iar îmbrățișarea a fost interzisă, într-o lume avidă de profit şi de confort, într-o lume, care îşi caută un nou drum şi un nou destin, într-o perioadă de mari provocări, în care se fac paşi uriaşi în cunoaştere şi în tehnologie, dar în care ne punem, mai curând, probleme de supravieţuire decât de construcţie pe termen lung, Icpe aniversează 70 de ani de activitate neîntreruptă ca organizaţie implicată nemijlocit în realităţile vremii, plasându-ne ca întotdeauna la confluenţa drumului nobil al ştiinţei dedicată cunoaşterii, cu ingineria şi tehnologia.

”70+” înseamnă destinul unor oameni care au trecut şi au lăsat ceva din viaţa lor la Icpe.

”70+” mai înseamnă şi nenumărate contribuţii ştiinţifice, tehnice, sau inginereşti la propăşirea economică a României şi ne place să credem că mai înseamnă şi un act de cultură, dacă totuşi putem accepta că ştiinţa face parte din cultură.

”70+” prin profesionalismul, abnegaţia şi străduinţa unor oameni, înseamnă construcţia unui brand consacrat pretutindeni.

Istoria de 70 de ani a acestei organizaţii numită Icpe este, pe de o parte, un handicap prin metehnele, auto-mulţumirea, „blocarea în model” şi atitudinea kamikaze a unora în faţa provocărilor create de globalizare şi competiţia acerbă din piaţă dar este, în acelaşi timp, şi o mare şansă prin şcoala tradiţională creată aici, expertiza câştigată, acumulările integratoare, cultura de firmă şi, mai ales, prin spiritul celor care au trecut pe aici, toate constituindu-se, azi, pentru mâine în ISTORIA Icpe.

Dan V. Racicovschi



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